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A JavaScript library for cricket scoring. Started 2012. Archived 2018.
A JavaScript micro-library for cricket scoring created for use in cricket scoring applications and cricket games that require scoring. The library is incredibly flexible allowing for different rules sets, match lengths and includes options for recording the pitch of the ball while bowling and where the ball goes while batting. This can provide useful statistics and allow the creation of wagon wheels and the like.
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Please make contributions by forking the project and creating a pull-request. Other contributions include maintaining the Wiki and issues.
If you have used this library, email me and tell me how you have used it because I'd like to provide links to showcase your projects :smile:.
1 Installation
1.1 Browser
Reference the raw Github version of release.min.js in your code.
Scorebook is compatible with requireJS and can be used by wrapping your code in the following block:
require(['scorebook'], function (scorebook) {
// Your code.
1.2 Node
Scorebook is also available as a node package called "scorebook". You can install it to your local repository using npm install scorebook --save
and you can use the library with node by using var scorebook = require("scorebook").scorebook;
in your JavaScript file.
1.3 Versioning
This project is maintained under the semantic versioning guidlines. This means that releases will have the following format <major>.<minor>.<patch>
- Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch).
- New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch).
- Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch.
2 Getting Started
To create a new scorebook, use the global "scorebook" function.
book = scorebook();
Arguments None.
Returns {Object} scorebook: A structure that can be manipulated like a scorebook.
3 Methods
3.1 addInnings
Creates a new innings in the scorebook.
- {Object} battingTeam: The team batting the innings.
Returns {Object} scorebook: A structure that can be manipulated like a scorebook.
3.2 addOver
Creates a new over in the scorebook for the current innings.
- {Object} bowler: The player bowling the over.
Returns {Object} scorebook: A structure that can be manipulated like a scorebook.
3.3 addBall
Creates a new ball in the scorebook for the current over.
book.addBall(runs, batsman, {
wideBall: false,
noBall: false,
byes: false,
legByes: false,
wagonX: 0,
wagonY: 0,
pitchX: 0,
pitchY: 0,
batPen: 0,
bwlPen: 0
- {Number} runs: The number of runs.
- {Object} batsman: The player that faced the ball.
- {Object} opts: Additonal options.
- {Boolean} wideBall: Determines if a wide was bowled.
- {Boolean} noBall: Determines if a no ball was bowled.
- {Boolean} byes: Determines if the ball did not hit the bat/leg and scored runs.
- {Boolean} legByes: Determines if the ball hit the leg and scored runs.
- {Number} wagonX: A number that locates where the ball was hit to on the x-axis.
- {Number} wagonY: A number that locates where the ball was hit to on the y-axis.
- {Number} pitchX: A number that locates where the ball landed on the x-axis.
- {Number} pitchY: A number that locates where the ball landed on the y-axis.
- {Number} batPen: The number of penalty runs incurred by the batting team.
- {Number} bwlPen: The number of penalty runs incurred by the bowling team.
Returns {Object} scorebook: A structure that can be manipulated like a scorebook.
3.4 addWicket
Creates a new wicket in the scorebook for the current ball. Ensure that you have added the ball before adding the wicket.
book.addWicket(batsman, howOut[, fielder]);
- {Object} batsman: The player that was given out.
- {String} howOut: How the batsman got out.
- {Object} fielder: The player that assisted/took the wicket in the field.
Returns {Object} scorebook: A structure that can be manipulated like a scorebook.
3.5 getInnings
Gets innings from the scorebook.
- {Object} inning: An object that resembles (shares properties with) wanted innings.
Returns {Array} innings: An array of innings that resemble the given object (inning).
3.6 getOvers
Gets overs from the scorebook.
- {Object} over: An object that resembles (shares properties with) wanted overs.
Returns {Array} overs: An array of overs that resemble the given object (over).
3.7 getBalls
Gets balls from the scorebook.
- {Object} ball: An object that resembles (shares properties with) wanted balls.
Returns {Array} balls: An array of balls that resemble the given object (ball).
3.8 getWickets
Gets wickets from the scorebook.
- {Object} wicket: An object that resembles (shares properties with) wanted wickets.
Returns {Array} wickets: An array of wickets that resemble the given object (wicket).
3.9 undo
Undoes the last action.
Arguments None.
Returns {Object} scorebook: A structure that can be manipulated like a scorebook.
4 Properties
- {Array} innings: An array of innings contained in the scorebook.
- {Array} overs: An array of overs contained in the scorebook.
- {Array} balls: An array of balls contained in the scorebook.
- {Array} wickets: An array of wickets contained in the scorebook.