crosware icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
crosware copied to clipboard

Tools, things, stuff, miscellaneous, etc., for Chrome OS / Chromium OS


Tools, things, stuff, miscellaneous, detritus, junk, etc., primarily for Chrome OS / Chromium OS. This is a development-ish environment for Chrome OS on both ARM and x86 (32-bit and 64-bit for both). It should work on "normal" Linux too (Armbian, CentOS, Debian, Raspbian, Ubuntu, etc.).


If running on a Chromebook/Chromebox/ChromeOS/Flex machine, developer mode is necessary. crosware temporarily requires root access to set ownership and permission in /usr/local.

To bootstrap, using /usr/local/crosware with initial downloads in /usr/local/tmp...

:warning: On ChromeOS sudo must be run via a virtual terminal :warning:

Google, in their infinite wisdom, has disabled sudo on ChromeOS. Or, rather, disabled gaining extra privileges in the current process (PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS/minijail/???). This effectively stops root user access via the ChromeOS GUI.

This means the sudo commands below must be run via a VT.

  • To access a VT, press one of the following key sequences:
    • Ctrl-Alt-right arrow (F2)
    • Ctrl-Alt-refresh (F3)
    • Ctrl-Alt-full screen (F4)
  • Login as chronos either with no password, or with a dev password (if you set one)
  • Run the sudo ... commands below
  • Return to the ChromeOS GUI with Ctrl-Alt-back arrow (F1)

If you want to start a locally-accessible SSH daemon, see: scripts/start-root-sshd.

# check you're the chronos user on a chromebook/not root in a container

# allow your regular user to write to /usr/local
sudo chgrp ${GROUPS} /usr/local
sudo chmod 2775 /usr/local

The sudo commands above only need to be run once; it should be safe to run them again. If you choose to use the scripts/start-root-sshd script, it must be run after every reboot.

The following can now be run as the standard ChromeOS user chronos from a GUI/crosh shell terminal.

# run the bootstrap
# use curl to download the primary shell script
# this in turn downloads a jdk, jgit and a toolchain
bash <(curl -kLs bootstrap

# source the environment
source /usr/local/crosware/etc/profile
which crosware

install some packages

# install some stuff
crosware install busybox toybox

# update environment
source /usr/local/crosware/etc/profile

# see what we just installed
which -a make busybox toybox \
| xargs realpath \
| xargs toybox file

# automatically update the environment after an install
`${cwtop}/scripts/tcrs jo`
which -a jo


To get new recipes:

crosware update

And to re-bootstrap (for any updated zulu, jgitsh, statictoolchain installs):

crosware bootstrap

further usage

Run crosware without any arguments to see usage; i.e, a (possibly outdated) example:

usage: crosware [command]

  bootstrap : bootstrap crosware
  check-installed : given a package name, check if it's installed
  env : dump source-/eval-able crosware etc/profile
  help : show help
  install : attempt to build/install a package from a known recipe
  list-available : list available recipes which are not installed
  list-funcs : list crosware shell functions
  list-installed : list installed recipes
  list-installed-reqs : list installed recipes with their requirements
  list-recipe-deps : list recipes with their declared dependencies
  list-recipe-files : list recipes with their source file
  list-recipe-reqs : list recipes with their requirements
  list-recipe-reqs-expanded : list recipes with their expanded requirements
  list-recipes : list build recipes
  list-recipe-transitive-reqs : list recipes with only transitive requirements
  list-recipe-versions : list recipes with version number
  list-upgradable : list installed packages with available upgrades
  profile : show .profile addition
  reinstall : uninstall then install given packages without chasing upgrades
  run-func : run crosware shell function
  set : run 'set' to show full crosware environment
  show-arch : show kernel and userspace architecture
  show-env : run 'env' to show crosware environment
  show-func : show the given function name
  show-karch : show kernel architecture
  show-uarch : show userspace architecture
  uninstall : uninstall some packages
  update : attempt to update existing install of crosware
  update-list-upgradable : update crosware and list upgradable recipes
  update-upgrade-all : update crosware and upgrade out-of-date recipes
  upgrade : uninstall then install a recipe
  upgrade-all : upgrade all packages with different recipe versions
  upgrade-all-with-deps : upgrade all out-of-date packages and installed dependents
  upgrade-deps : upgrade any installed deps of a package
  upgrade-with-deps : upgrade a package and installed depdendents

a few more examples

See the scripts/ directory for a hodge-podge of stuff.

# works anywhere - for use system-wide on a normal non-chromeos linux distro (non-root users only)
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/crosware/scripts/ /etc/profile.d/

# works anywhere - remove dev bits ({C,LD,...}FLAGS, etc.) from the environment
# also move crosware paths to the end of ${PATH}
# facilitates "i just want the command" installs
. /usr/local/crosware/etc/profile
. ${cwtop}/scripts/

# chromeos only - when using the scripts/start-root-sshd script
# for sudossh (non-interactive) and sudossht (terminal) command wrappers
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/crosware/scripts/usr-local-bin-sudossh /usr/local/bin/sudossh
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/crosware/scripts/usr-local-bin-sudossht /usr/local/bin/sudossht

# chromeos only? - obsolete on chromeos but good to note anyway
# wrap sudo to be passwordless with a trust-on-first-use approach
# this is (well, was) useful for dev-mode chromebooks with a chronos user password set
. /usr/local/crosware/scripts/

use external or disable java and jgit

A few user environment variables are available to control how crosware checks itself out and updates recipes.

var default purpose
CW_GIT_CMD jgitsh which "git" command to use for checkout/update
CW_USE_JAVA true use java for bootstrap, jgit
CW_EXT_JAVA false use system java instead of zulu recipe
CW_USE_JGIT true use for checkout/update
CW_EXT_JGIT false use system instead of jgitsh recipe
CW_UPDATE_USE_GIT true use a git client to update
CW_UPDATE_USE_ZIP true use to update
CW_IGNORE_MISSING false set to "true" ot ignore any missing prereqs


Alpine ( uses musl libc ( and as such cannot use the Zulu JDK as distributed. To bootstrap using the system-supplied OpenJDK from Alpine repos:

# as above, make sure /usr/local is writable by the primary user/group you'll be using...
# this assumes you're using the default busybox ash shell, and running apk as root...
export CW_EXT_JAVA=true
apk update
apk upgrade
apk add bash curl openjdk11
cd /tmp
curl -kLO
bash crosware bootstrap
# or, using bash process substitution...
#   bash -c 'export CW_EXT_JAVA=true ; bash <(curl -kLs bootstrap'

Make sure the environment variable CW_EXT_JAVA is set to true (or just something other than false) to use system Java. Please note that /usr/local/crosware/etc/profile contains bashisms, and does not work on BusyBox ash, so set your SHELL accordingly.

If Zulu is installed on a non-glibc distro, run crosware uninstall zulu and make sure CW_EXT_JAVA and JAVA_HOME environment variables are configured.

To manually remove the Zulu install directory, environment script and installation flag, remove these paths:

  • /usr/local/crosware/etc/profile.d/
  • /usr/local/crosware/var/inst/zulu
  • /usr/local/crosware/software/zulu/


A container suitable for bootstrapping is available:

  • Docker hub:
  • buildable from:

Run with:

docker run -it ryanwoodsmall/crosware

An interactive bash shell session will start, and any crosware C/C++ packages should build and run out of the box.

Build with something like:

docker build --tag crosware
docker run -it crosware

Inside the container, install git to enable updates and list any upgradable packages:

# note: this installs git and its prereqs from source, it might take awhile
crosware install git
. /usr/local/crosware/etc/profile
crosware update
crosware list-upgradable


This is a mostly self-hosting virtual Linux distribution of sorts, targeting all variations of 32-/64-bit x86 and ARM on Chrome OS, installable on other Linux distributions independently - with riscv64 support as well. The primary aim of crosware is to be a small - for some definition of small - and "as statically-linked as possible" development environment aimed at containers and ChromeOS, but also piggybacking on virtually any distribution that has a persistent /usr/local with write permissions.

A static-only GCC compiler using musl libc (with musl-cross-make ) is installed as part of the bootstrap; this sort of precludes things like emacs, but doesn't stop anyone from using the static musl toolchain to build a shared toolchain and libraries, bootstrap another compiler, leverage Alpine packages, etc.. Despite having "static" in the name, a (and, normally a symlink to musl's libc) is available and leveraged for a number packages, primarily to support other programming languages' linking modes and plugin/shared object strategies.

The initial bootstrap looks something like:

  • scripted, i.e., crosware bootstrap:
    • get a JDK (Azul Zulu OpenJDK for glibc)
    • get (standalone)
    • get static bootstrapped compiler
    • checkout rest of project
  • manually install some packages, i.e, crosware install vim git ...:
    • build GNU make
    • build native busybox, toolbox, sed, etc.
    • build a few libs / support (ncurses, openssl, slang, zlib, bzip2, lzma, libevent, pkg-config)
    • build a few packages (curl, vim w/syntax hightlighting, screen, tmux, links, lynx - mostly because I use them)

Some scripts that might be use for bootstrapping on a non-glibc distro:

  • scripts/
  • scripts/ (or scripts/ )
  • scripts/
  • scripts/


Environment stuff to figure out how to handle:

  • PATH (working)
  • CC (working)
  • CFLAGS (working)
  • CPP (working)
  • CPPFLAGS (working)
  • CXX (working)
  • LDFLAGS (working)
  • MANPAGER (working)
  • EDITOR (vim?)
  • PAGER (working, set to less (gnu or busybox))

stuff to figure out

See the to-do list (

See the maybe file ( for recipes to consider, notes, etc.


Chromebrew looks nice and exists now:

Alpine and Sabotage are good sources of inspiration and patches:

  • Alpine: and git:
  • Sabotage: and git:

The Alpine folks distribute a chroot installer:


And I wrote a little quick/dirty Alpine chroot creator that works on Chrome/Chromium OS; no Docker or other software necessary.


The musl wiki has some pointers on patches and compatibility, and a list of useful alternative implementations of common programs/libraries/utilities/etc.; many are in use in crosware:


bootstrapping ex nihilo

Mes (and m2) might be useful at some point.

  • janneke stuff:
  • oriansj stuff:

other sites/utilities/etc.

Suckless has a list of good stuff:


Mark Williams Company open sourced Coherent; might be a good source for SUSv3/SUSv4/POSIX stuff:


9p implementations:


Eltanin tools may be useful:


Busybox tiny utility notes:


C/C++ compiler

Static musl GCC compiler(s) are done, and should work to compile (static-only, some shared lib support) binaries on Chrome OS:


Based on Rich Felker's musl-cross-make:



bootstrap recipes

These recipes are included in the main bin/crosware script, as they're the foundation of the tool and are distributed as binaries. There are a handful of other binary recipes that are not necessary for bootstrapping. The statictoolchain recipe could theoretically be pulled into a normal standalone recipe, but is bedrock enough that it fits in the main script. A smaller, more supportable, preferably single-binary static Git client would/will hopefully also find its way to the main script for bootstrap purposes.

  • zulu azul zulu openjdk jvm
  • jgitsh standalone jgit shell script
  • statictoolchain musl-cross-make static toolchain
    • now self-hosted on crosware

working recipes

  • 9pro ( - 9p tools for unix)
  • abcl (common lisp,
  • abduco ( and
  • acl (
  • acme labs programs (via
    • httpget (
      • httpgetlibressl (libressl https support)
      • httpgetopenssl (openssl https support)
    • httppost (
      • httppostlibressl (libressl https support)
      • httppostopenssl (openssl https support)
    • microhttpd (
    • microinetd (
    • microproxy (
    • minihttpd (
      • minihttpdlibressl (libressl https support)
      • minihttpdopenssl (openssl https support)
    • minisendmail (
    • subproxy (
    • thttpd (
  • ag ( and - the silver searcher, fast grep/ack-like)
  • age ( - age encryption tool in go)
  • alpinemuslutils ( - getconf, getent, iconv from alpine's musl)
  • argon2 ( - password hashing program and libargon2 library)
  • at (
  • attr (
  • autoconf
  • automake
  • baseutils ( - portable openbsd userland)
  • bash (latest 5.x, netbsdcurses)
    • bashminimal (latest 5.x, internal readline, no curses/termcap)
    • bashtiny (latest 5.x, no readline/curses/termcap)
    • bash4 (4.4, netbsdcurses)
    • bash50 (5.0, netbsdcurses)
    • bash50 (5.1, netbsdcurses)
    • bashtermcap (termcap.h, libtermcap.a from bash, etc/termcap from gnu termcap)
  • bc (gnu bc, dc)
  • bdb185 (berkeley db 1.85)
  • bdb47 (berkeley db 4.x)
  • beanshell2 ( and - java scripting, leaving beanshell open for 3.x...)
  • bearssl (
  • bim ( - minimal vim-alike, pure-C version 2.x)
    • bim3 (kuroko-based editor)
  • binutils (bfd, opcodes, libiberty.a)
  • bison ( and and
    • bison37 (older version before some possible posix-mandated breaking changes)
  • bmake (
  • brogue
  • brotli (
  • bsd programs
    • bsdjot (from netbsd -
    • bsdrs (from netbsd -
    • bsdunvis (from netbsd -
    • bsdvis (from netbsd -
  • busybox (static)
  • byacc
  • bzip2
  • cacertificates (from alpine)
  • cadaver ( and - cli webdav client using neon - openssl+expat+readline)
    • cadavergnutls (gnutls)
    • cadavergnutlsminimal (gnutls + nettle w/mini-gmp)
    • cadaverlibressl (libressl)
  • cares ( and - c-ares, asynch dns, must explicitly opt-in)
  • ccache - version 3.x, autotools
    • ccache4 - now requires cmake, keep them separate for now
  • certstrap ( - simple CA in go)
  • cflow
  • check
  • cjson (
  • cloc (
  • cmake
  • colorizedlogs ( and - includes ansi2txt/ansi2html/ttyrec2ansi/pipetty)
  • configgit (gnu config.guess, config.sub updates for musl, aarch64, etc.;a=summary)
  • coreutils (single static binary with symlinks, no nls/attr/acl/gmp/pcap/selinux)
  • corkscrew ( and - ssh over http/socks)
  • cppcheck
  • cppi
  • cronolog ( - version 1.6.2 with fedora largefile patch)
  • cryanc ( - crypto ancienne, tls for old platforms, provides "carl" binary with client+proxy)
  • cscope
  • cssc (gnu sccs)
  • ctags (exuberant ctags for now, universal ctags a better choice?)
  • curl ( - openssl)
    • curlbearssl
    • curlgnutls
    • curlgnutlsminimal (with nettleminimal/mini-gmp)
    • curllibressl
    • curlmbedtls
    • curlwolfssl
    • caextract ( - mozilla ca certs in .pem format)
  • cvs
  • cwstaticbinaries ( - static binaries, possibly useful for bootrapping?)
  • cxref
  • dasel ( - select/put/delete/convert data from json/toml/yaml/xml/csv)
  • dash ( and
    • dashminimal (libedit with basic termcap)
    • dashtiny (no libedit)
  • ddrescue ( - gnu data recovery tool/nicer dd)
  • derby
  • diffutils
  • diction and style (
  • distcc ( and - minimal build, no pump, libiberty, avahi, etc.)
  • dnsmasq (
    • look at adding...
      • libnetfilter_conntrack (conntrack)
      • nettle, gmp (DNSSSEC)
        • CFLAGS=\"\${CFLAGS} -Wall -W -O2\" LDFLAGS=\"\${LDFLAGS} -static\" COPTS=\"-DHAVE_DNSSEC \${CPPFLAGS}\"
      • idn/idn2 (IDN)
        • -DHAVE_IDN (libidn) -DHAVE_LIBIDN2 (libidn2, libunistring)
      • lua? (5.2 only?)
      • dbus? ubus?
  • dockerstatic (static docker binaries from
    • good enough for remote ${DOCKER_HOST} usage
    • amd64/arm32v6/arm64v8 only
    • does not work on i686
    • architecture naming conventions:
  • doctl ( and - digital ocean api control program)
  • dropbear ( and - zlib, lsh sftp-server - tcp port 2222)
    • dropbearminimal (zlib - tcp port 22222)
  • dsvpn ( - dead simple vpn)
  • dtach ( and - simpler detachable screenalike)
  • duktape ( and
  • dvtm ( and
  • e2fsprogs ( and and
  • ecl (
    • shared build
    • works for aarch64/i686/x86_64
    • does not work on arm (gc? gmp?)
  • ed (gnu ed)
  • elfutils ( - library and utilities for dealing with elf files, including some binutils workalikes(?) - ar, nm, ranlib, strings, strip, etc.)
  • elinks ( - up-to-date/maintained elinks fork, currently only minimal variant)
    • elinksminimal (libressl, zlib)
    • investigate adding tre, spidermonkey/mujs/quickjs javascript/ecmascript/js, ...
  • elvis (
  • entr ( and
  • es ( - extensible shell, descended from plan9/rc, with scheme/lisp/other functional programming additions)
  • etcd ( and
  • ethtool (
  • expat
  • fennel ( and - a lisp that compiles to lua, with a dedicated shared lua install and readline support via luarocks)
  • fetchfreebsd ( - freebsd fetch program/fetch.h header/libfetch.a lib, openssl, custom compilation instead of cmake)
    • fetchfreebsdlibressl (same with libressl)
  • file
  • findutils
  • flex
  • gambit ( and
    • look at openssl/libressl
  • gauche ( and
    • shared build
    • sdbm (ndbm) kv/hash, zlib, mbedtls, libressl for openssl command
  • gawk (gnu awk, prepended to $PATH, becomes default awk)
  • gc (working on x86_64, aarch64; broken on i386, arm)
  • gdbm
  • gettexttiny
  • ghostunnel ( - stunnel-ish in go, with mutual tls auth)
  • git - built with curl+openssl
    • gitlibressl - built with libressl+curl
  • github tools
    • gh ( and - gh command in go with release management...)
    • hub ( and - git wrapper)
  • glab ( - gitlab glab cli)
  • glib (
    • old version
    • new version requires meson, ninja, thus python3
  • global
  • glorytun ( - udp tunnel using libsodium)
    • uses mud ( - multipath udp lib)
    • docker container example:
  • gmp
  • gnupg (with ntbtls -
    • gnupg1 (gnupg 1.x - older, smaller gnupg version, with fewer prereqs)
  • gnutls (
    • gnutlsminimal (built against nettleminimal w/mini-gmp, openssl compat enabled)
  • gpgme ( - gnupg access library)
  • go
    • go recipe is latest available version
    • verions
      • gobootstrap recipe with 1.4 bootstrap binaries (i386, amd64, arm, arm 32-bit static for aarch64)
      • go117 recipe with golang 1.17.x static binaries for all supported architectures
      • go118 recipe with golang 1.18.x static binaries for all supported architectures
      • go119 recipe with golang 1.19.x static binaries for all supported architectures
      • go120 recipe with golang 1.20.x static binaries for all supported architectures
      • go121 recipe with golang 1.21.x static binaries for all supported architectures
      • go122 recipe with golang 1.22.x static binaries for all supported architectures
    • static binary archive
    • built via:
  • gogit ( - go-git cli with git-{receive,upload}-pack wrappers)
  • gojq ( - jq in go)
  • goldy ( - dtls to udp proxy using mbedtls)
  • got ( - game of trees, openbsd-specific git-like, libressl)
    • gotopenssl recipe provided as well
    • portable:
    • supports git, ssh, git+ssh protocols - no http/https
    • has a tig-like tog program, nice!
  • gotoml ( - toml processing/conversion with jsontoml/tomljson/tomll)
  • goyq ( - yq implementation in go)
  • grep (gnu grep)
  • groff
  • gosftpserver ( - standalone sftp-server that works with tinysshd/dropbear from go sftp lib)
  • guile (
    • works for aarch64/x86_64
    • does not work on arm/i686 (gc)
    • guile2 recipe as well, with same caveats
  • h2 ( and - java embedded/client-server db with postgres compat mode)
  • habitat (
    • single static hab binary
  • haproxy ( - openssl+pcre+zlib)
    • haproxylibressl (libressl+pcre+zlib)
  • hboetesmg ( - micro gnuemacs, libbsd+netbsdcurses)
  • heirloom project tools ( - musl/static changes at
    • exvi with netbsdcurses also available as a standalone package
  • helm ( and - kubernetes package manager)
  • help2man
  • hitch ( - openssl+libev tls proxy)
  • hsqldb ( - java hypersql database, followup to hypersonicsql, with sqltool client)
  • htermutils (
  • htop
  • ibaramg ( - openbsd mg editor)
  • iftop
  • inetutils
  • indent
  • inih ( - .ini file parser in C, using ninja+meson)
  • iperf
    • iperf
    • iperf3
  • isl
  • itsatty (
  • j7zip
  • janet ( and
  • jansson ( and - C json support, used by nftables)
  • jfrogcli ( and - jfrog cli for e.g. artifactory)
  • jo (
  • jq ( - with oniguruma regex)
  • jruby
  • jscheme
  • jython
  • k0s ( and - lens' small k8s distribution)
  • k0sctl ( - bootstrapping/management for k0s nodes)
  • k3s ( and - small k8s distribution)
  • kawa (scheme)
  • kernelheaders ( - from sabotage linux)
  • kind ( - k8s in docker, pure go)
  • ksh93 ( - up-to-date/patched at&t ksh93 with ast build system)
  • kubernetes (binaries)
    • kubectllatest (kubectl only)
  • kuroko ( and - small python-like dynamic language)
  • less (netbsdcurses)
    • lessminimal (stripped down with small gnu termcap from bash)
  • lftp (
  • libarchive ( and - libarchive.a, bsdtar/bsdcpio/bsdcat, gz/bz2/lzo/lz4/lzma/iso9660 fs/... support)
  • libassuan (
  • libatomicops
  • libbsd
  • libcap (
  • libcapng ( and - posix capabilities lib)
  • libconfig ( and
  • libconfuse (
  • libedit ( - aka editline, from netbsd, line editing, history, etc., ncurses)
    • libeditminimal (stripped down standalone libedit + small gnu termcap, from bash)
    • libeditnetbsdcurses (same, with netbsdcurses)
    • need a few symlinks for compat w/readline:
  • libev (
  • libevent (no openssl support yet)
  • libffi
  • libgcrypt (
  • libgit2
  • libgpgerror (
  • libidn (
  • libidn2 (
  • libixp ( - ixpc - 9p client/library)
  • libksba (
  • libmd (
  • libnl
  • liboop (
  • libpcap ( and - packet capture library)
    • libpcap19 (older version for compatibility? with iftop? i dunno)
  • libpsl ( & & - libidn2+libunistring, python3)
  • libressl (
    • libressl37 (old but default version that's still currently the current default by default, currently, until i can update to 3.8/3.9)
    • libressl38
    • libressl39
  • libretls ( - libtls from libressl on top of openssl)
  • libssh2 (openssl, zlib)
    • libssh2libgcrypt (gcrypt, zlib)
    • libssh2libressl (libressl, zlib)
    • libssh2mbedtls (mbedtls, zlib)
    • libssh2wolfssl (wolfssl via osp open source project port, zlib)
  • libsodium (
  • libtasn1 (
  • libtirpc ( and;a=summary)
  • libtlsbearssl ( - a standards-based tls lib implemented on top of bearssl)
  • libtom
    • libtomcrypt ( and
    • libtommath ( and
  • libtool
  • libuargp ( - argp-standalone alternative w/argp_parse)
  • libucontext ( - glibc compat ucontext, opt-in)
  • libunistring (
  • libuv (
  • libxml2 (
    • libxml2minimal (no features)
  • libxo ( and - html/json/xml output lib and xo cli)
  • libxslt (
    • libxsltminimal (no features, built against libxml2minimal)
  • libz (sortix, zlib fork - static and shared libs for compatibility with alpine/musl bins)
  • lighttpd ( - mbedtls - ssl/tls, webdav support)
    • lighttpdminimal (zlib, pcre2, libbsd - not tls, webdav, etc.)
  • linenoise (
  • links ( - openssl)
    • linkslibressl (libressl)
  • lmdb ( and - lighting memory-mapped database, dummy profile.d for now)
  • loksh (
  • lsh ( - version 2.0, 2.1 has issues with separate/new nettle)
    • lshsftpserver (sftp-server binary only for e.g. dropbear, tinyssh, ...)
  • lua ( - 5.x release, may change! posix, no readline)
    • lua54 (posix, barebones)
    • lua53 (posix, barebones)
    • lua52 (posix, barebones)
    • lua51 (posix, barebones)
  • lynx ( - ncurses, openssl)
    • lynxlibressl (ncurses, libressl)
    • lynxnetbsdcurses (netbsdcurses, openssl)
    • lynxnetbsdcurseslibressl (netbsdcurses, libressl)
    • lynxnetbsdcursesslang (netbsdcurses slang, openssl)
    • lynxnetbsdcursesslanglibressl (netbsdcurses slang, libressl)
    • lynxslang (ncurses slang, openssl)
    • lynxslanglibressl (ncurses slang, libressl)
    • lynxminimal (slang with tiny termcap, libressl)
  • lz4 (
  • lzo (
  • lzip
    • clzip
    • lunzip
    • lzip
    • lziprecover
    • lzlib
    • pdlzip
    • plzip
    • zutils
  • m4
  • make (gnu)
    • bootstrapmake (gnu make w/o gnu sed requirement)
  • mandoc (
  • manpages, consisting of...
    • man-pages (
    • man-pages-posix (
  • mawk (
  • mbedtls (polarssl)
    • lts
      • mbedtls2
        • mbedtls228
      • mbedtls3
        • mbedtls36 -compat
      • mbedtls216
  • meson (
  • mg ( - micro gnuemacs, netbsdcurses)
    • mgminimal (no curses/terminfo/termcap, optimized for size)
  • microsocks (
  • miller ( - miller, aka mlr, awk/sed/grep/jq/... for csv, etc.)
    • miller5 (mlr, old version in c)
    • miller6 (mlr, reimplemented in go)
  • minikube (
  • minio ( and - s3-compatible object store)
    • miniomc ( - minio mc client)
    • docs:
  • minischeme (
  • mksh (
  • mosquitto ( and - mqtt broker & pub/sub client - openssl/cjson/c-ares)
    • mosquittolibressl (libressl/cjson/c-ares)
    • mosquittonotls (insecure/cjson/c-ares - no tls/ssl, INSECURE, plaintext, small, blah blah blah)
  • most (
    • mostnetbsdcurses (built with netbsdcurses terminfo and bundled slang)
  • mpc
  • mpfr
  • mtm ( - micro terminal multiplexer)
  • mujs ( and
  • muon ( and - meson-alike in c, use with samurai (ninja) and pkgconf (pkg-config))
  • muslfts (
  • muslobstack ( - glibc obstack+some libiberty macros for musl)
  • muslstandalone ( - unbundled musl libc and kernel headers with musl-gcc wrapper, possibly different version from statictoolchain)
    • musl11 (musl 1.1.x for compat)
    • musl12 (musl 1.2.x with oldmalloc for compat)
  • n2n ( and - peer-to-peer vpn with edge and supernodes for nat traversal - openssl/zstd/libcap/libpcap)
    • n2nlibressl (libressl and zstd only, no libcap or libpcap)
    • n2nminimal (no optional features)
  • nashorn ( and - barebones, standalone "jjs" javascript shell, no readline support/jrunscript/etc.)
  • nbsdgames ( - new bsd games)
  • ncurses
  • neat/litcave stuff (
    • neatvi (
  • nebula ( - mesh network overlay/vpn)
  • neofetch ( - terminal machine/os info)
  • neon ( and - http/webdav library with openssl+expat)
    • neongnutls (gnutls)
    • neongnutlsminimal (gnutls + nettle w/mini-gmp)
    • neonlibressl (libressl)
  • netbsdcurses (libedit, readline, slang bundled - manual CPPFLAGS/LDFLAGS for now - sabotage
  • netbsdwtf ( - "wtf" acronym finder from netbsd)
  • netcatopenbsd (from debian,
  • stuff (WIP!!!)
    • conntracktools (
    • iptables (
    • libmnl (
    • libnetfilteracct (
    • libnetfilterconntrack (
    • libnetfiltercthelper (
    • libnetfiltercttimeout (
    • libnetfilterlog (
    • libnetfilterqueue (
    • libnfnetlink (
    • libnftnl (
    • nfacct (
    • nftables (
  • netsurf libraries
    • libparserutils (
    • libwapcaplet (
    • libhubbub (
    • libdom (
    • libcss (
  • nettle ( and
    • nettleminimal (opt-in, standalone; bundled mini-gmp)
  • nextvi ( - "next" version/fork of neatvi with some extra features/simplifications)
  • nghttp2 (
  • nginx ( - openssl and njs support)
    • nginxlibressl (libressl and njs support)
    • njs ( - nginx javascript cli tool, njs with libedit shell, libressl crypto)
    • njsopenssl (njs with libedit shell, openssl crypto)
    • njsquickjs (njs with libedit shell, libressl crypto and quickjs, with -n QuickJS cli support)
    • njsminimal (njs with libedit shell, no crypto)
    • njstiny (njs with no libedit shell, no crypto, no cli)
  • ninja (
  • nmap
  • npt ( and - ansi common lisp implementation, terme display/repl)
    • nptreadline (npt with netbsdcurses+readline)
  • npth (
  • ntbtls (
  • nvi (via debian,
  • nvi179 (4bsd release from keith bostic,
  • oksh ( - netbsdcurses)
    • okshsmall (limited prereqs, no curses/history support)
  • onetrueawk ( - the one true awk)
  • oniguruma (
  • openconnect ( and - cisco/juniper/etc. vpn client, openssl)
    • openconnectgnutls (gnutls)
    • openconnectgnutlsminimal (gnutls+nettle w/mini-gmp)
    • includes default vpnc-script ( and
  • opendoas ( - much simpler "doas" sudo replacement)
  • opennc (openbsd netcat - formerly
    • see netcatopenbbsd for bsd netcat as packaged by debian
    • see libressl for tls-enabled nc command
  • openssh (openssl, netbsdcurses, libedit, zlib)
    • opensshminimal (no openssl, built-in auth/key/cipher/mac/... only, netbsdcurses, libedit, zlib)
    • opensshlibressl (libressl, netbsdcurses, libedit, zlib)
    • opensshwolfssl (patches from wolfssl osp project - netbsdcurses, libedit, zlib)
  • openssl
    • openssl111 (deprecated lts version, still default. whoops)
    • openssl30 (current lts version)
  • openvpn ( and - openssl, zlib, lz4, lzo)
    • openvpnlibressl (libressl, lz4, lzo)
    • openvpnmbedtls (mbedtls, lz4, lzo)
    • openvpnwolfssl (wolfssl, lz4, lzo)
  • opkg ( - WIP .ipk package manager, libarchive/curl/openssl/gnupg/gpgme)
  • otools ( - carbs linux openbsd ports)
  • outils ( - utils from openbsd, including jot/rs/vis/unvis/etc.)
  • p7zip
  • par ( and
  • pass (
  • patch (gnu)
  • patchelf ( and
  • paxmirabilis ( - pax/tar/cpio from mirbsd)
  • pcc (
    • only x86_64 for now!
    • kinda painful for static compilation, segfaults, etc.
    • not sure on crt?.o files either
    • uses muslstandalone as libc
  • pcre
  • pcre2
  • pdpmake ( - public domain posix make)
  • perl
  • pinentry (curses via ncurses, tty)
  • pixman ( and
  • pkgconfig
  • plan9port ( - without gui/x11; suckless 9base available and much smaller)
    • plan9port9p (9p, 9pfuse standalone binaries from plan9port)
  • posixstandard ( - posix/sus (single unix specification) docs for personal use)
  • ppp ( - paul's ppp package, static minimal pppd+chat, no pcap/tls/peap/eap/...)
    • ppplibressl (libressl, pcap, plugins - shared)
    • pppopenssl (openssl, pcap, plugins - shared)
  • pv ( and - pv pipe viewer pipeviewer)
  • px5g ( - mbedtls cert/key gen program)
    • px5gwolfssl ( - px5g built with wolfssl)
  • python
    • python2 (very basic support)
    • python3 (wip)
  • qemacs (
  • qemuuser ( - linux userspace only for now)
  • quickjs (
  • rc ( - netbsdcurses+readline, fork of tobold+rakitzis rc, basic Makefile)
    • rc174 (, - ncurses+readline, needs to be git hash, old release)
  • rclone ( and - rsync for cloud/sftp/etc., go, union mounts?)
  • rcs (gnu)
  • readline ( - terminal command history, completion, etc., ncurses)
    • readlinenetbsdcurses (same, netbsdcurses)
  • reflex (
  • retawq ( - text-mode windowed network/web browser, ncurses and openssl)
    • retawqlibressl (ncurses, libressl)
  • rhino
  • rlwrap (netbsdcurses)
    • rlwrapminimal (stripped down with small gnu termcap from bash)
  • rogue
  • rpcsvcproto ( - contains rpcgen)
  • rrredir (
  • rsync (
    • rsyncminimal (fewer deps, smaller, but lower performance)
  • samurai ( - small ninja alternative in c)
  • sc (from debian,
  • scheme48 (
  • scm ( and - scm scheme with slib library)
  • screen ( - terminal multiplexer, netbsdcurses)
    • screenminimal (limited functionality using bash libtermcap)
  • sdbm ( - dbm/ndbm alike, updated for modern systems, with ndbm.h and libndbm.a symlinks)
  • sdkman (
  • sed (gnu gsed, prepended to $PATH, becomes default sed)
  • sharutils (
  • shellbench (
  • shellinabox (
  • shellish ( - some random texts from my script bucket)
  • simh (system simulator - currently opensimh)
    • opensimh ( - fork/further development of simh 3+4?)
    • simh3 ( - classic simh 3.x)
    • simh4 ( - system simulator...?)
  • sisc (scheme)
  • slang ( - s-lang programmers library, ncurses)
    • slangnetbsdcurses (same, netbsdcurses)
    • slangminimal (only tiny termcap from bash)
  • slibtool (
  • slip tools (full slattach, etc.)?
  • slirp???
  • slsc (jedsoft "sc" console spreadsheet for slang)
  • socat ( - openssl, netbsdcurses, readline)
    • socatlibressl (libressl, netbsdcurses, readline)
    • socatminimal (no tls/ssl, no readline - socket, port, file, etc. only)
    • socatwolfssl ( - from wolfssl open source project ports with readline support)
  • source-highlight (
    • OLD 1.x version
    • limited language support, though
  • strace ( and
  • stunnel ( - openssl)
    • stunnellibressl (libressl build)
  • sqlite
  • sslh ( and - ssl/protocol multiplexer, with libconfig/pcre2/libcap support)
    • sslhminimal (no libcap/capabilities support)
    • sslhtiny (zero features, no capabilities, config file or regex support)
  • suckless
    • 9base (
    • sbase (
    • ubase (
  • svnkit
  • sysklogd ( - bsd syslog on linux, newer rfc compliant)
  • tea ( - gitea cli)
  • termcap ( - old standalone gnu termcap library)
  • termutils ( - tabs and tput)
  • tetrisbsd (
  • texinfo (untested, requires perl)
  • tig ( - console git repo pager/browser/ui, ncurses)
    • tignetbsdcurses (same, netbsdcurses with builtin termcap)
  • tinc ( - meshed routing compressed/encrypted vpn, openssl+zlib+lzo)
    • tinclibressl (same, with libressl instead of openssl)
  • tini (small init for containers,
  • tinycc
    • tcc from gnu guix mirror
    • sorta works?
    • static is broken, like...
    • default shared lib seems to work?
    • tcc -run file.c seems to work on x86_64
    • everything else is kinda broken
    • tcc from git probably a better option
    • uses muslstandalone as libc
  • tinyccmob (
    • more up-to-date tcc from git snapshot
    • x86_64 "works"-ish
    • static still has issues
    • shared seems to work for hello world stuff
    • uses muslstandalone as libc
  • tinycurl ( - curl but smaller, focus on http/https)
    • tinycurlbearssl (bearssl, zlib, nghttp2)
    • tinycurllibressl (libressl, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
    • tinycurlmbedtls (mbedtls, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
    • tinycurlopenssl (openssl, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
    • tinycurlwolfssl (wolfssl, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
    • tinycurl779
      • tinycurl779bearssl (bearssl, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl779libressl (libressl, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl779mbedtls (mbedtls, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl779openssl (openssl, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl779wolfssl (wolfssl, libsshw, zlib, nghttp2)
    • tinycurl772
      • tinycurl772bearssl (bearssl, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl772libressl (libressl, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl772mbedtls (mbedtls, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl772openssl (openssl, libssh2, zlib, nghttp2)
      • tinycurl772wolfssl (wolfssl, libsshw, zlib, nghttp2)
    • babycurl (mbedtls, libssh2, zlib)
    • babycurlwolfssl (wolfssl, libssh2, zlib)
    • picocurl (bearssl, zlib)
      • picocurlmbedtls (mbedtls, zlib, libssh2)
  • tinyemu ( - risc-v 32/64, risc-v 128 on x86_64/aarch64, x86 w/kvm on x86_64/i686; openssl/curl support, no sdl)
    • tinyemulibressl (libressl/curl, no sdl)
  • tinyproxy ( and
  • tinyscheme (
  • tinyssh ( and - small, pubkey/ed25519, ssh server only)
  • tio ( and
  • tmux ( - terminal multiplexer)
  • tmuxmisc ( - couple of scripts i use)
  • tnftp (
  • tnftpd ( and - formerly lukemftp)
  • toybox (static)
  • tree (
    • tree1 (tree version 1.x, compatible with pass release 1.7.4)
    • tree2 (tree version 2.x)
  • troglobit stuff
    • editline (
    • inadyn ( - dynamic dns updater, openssl)
      • inadyngnutls (gnutls)
      • inadyngnutlsminimal (gnutlsminimal built with nettleminimal/mini-gmp)
      • inadynlibressl (libressl)
      • inadynmbedtls (mbedtls)
    • libuev (
    • mdnsd ( - multicast dns daemon, mdsresponder, mdns-sd, etc.)
    • mg (see above)
    • minisnmpd ( and
    • redir (
    • sntpd ( - ntp client/server/...)
    • uredir (
  • txt2man ( - plain text to man page converter?)
  • u9fs ( - userspace 9p server, recently updated, works without rhosts stuff)
    • no auth serve w/busybox or toybox: tcpsvd -E -v 564 ./u9fs -D -z -a none -u username /path/to/share
    • access from remote host w/plan 9 from user space: 9p -a 'tcp!!564' ls /
    • plan9port9p recipe provides 9p client
    • libixp recipe provides ixpc 9p client
  • uacme ( - standalone acme/letsencrypt client in c, curl+openssl)
    • uacmelibressl (curl+libressl)
    • uacmegnutls (curl+gnutls)
    • uacmegnutls (curl+gnutlsminimal built with nettleminimal/mini-gmp)
    • uacmembedtls (curl+mbedtls)
  • uemacs ( - micro-emacs)
  • unfs3 ( and
  • unrar
  • unzip
  • utillinux
  • uucp ( and
  • vile (
  • vim ( and - ncurses, with syntax highlighting, which chrome/chromium os vim lacks)
    • vimminimal (termcap lib and database from bash and gnu termcap, no scripting w/lua, no encryption w/libsodium, ...)
    • vimnetbsdcurses (netbsdcurses)
  • vultrcli ( - vultr-cli program)
  • w3m (
  • wget ( - openssl)
    • wgetgnutls (gnutls variant)
    • wgetgnutlsminimal (gnutls variant with nettleminimal/mini-gmp)
    • wgetlibressl (libressl instead of openssl)
  • wget2 ( - openssl)
    • wget2gnutls (full gnutls variant)
    • wget2gnutlsminimal (minimal gnutls with nettleminimal/mini-gmp)
    • wget2libressl (libressl)
    • wget2wolfssl (wolfssl)
  • wireguard (
    • wgctrlgo ( - wireguard interface control program in go)
    • wireguardgo ( - userspace wireguard go client)
    • wireguardtools ( - wireguard wg and wg-quick tools)
  • wolfmqtt ( and - tls-enabled mqtt lib and examples for wolfssl)
  • wolfssh ( and - ssh lib and examples for wolfssl)
  • wolfssl ( and - formerly cyassl)
  • x509cert ( and - bearssl cert/request utility)
  • xinetd ( forked from
  • xmlstarlet (
  • xvi (
  • xxhash (
  • xz (
  • yash ( and - yash posix shell, with arrays; netbsdcurses+libedit)
    • yashminimal (no line editing)
  • yaegi ( - go interpreter in go!)
  • yj ( - yaml/toml/json/hcl converter in go)
  • ynetd ( and - minimal tcp/inetd server)
  • zip
  • zlib
  • zlibng ( - fork with vector support, compiled static ~and shared~ with libz.a compat lib ~and created as well)
  • zstd (
  • zulu - built-in recipe, glibc-based for bootstrapping (chrome os, centos, debian, ubuntu, ...)
    • zulu8glibc - zulu 8 jdk
    • zulu11glibc - zulu 11 jdk
    • zulu17glibc - zulu 17 jdk
    • zulu8musl - zulu 8 jdk built against musl libc (x86_64, aarch64 only)
    • zulu11musl - zulu 11 jdk built against musl libc (x86_64, aarch64 only)
    • zulu17musl - zulu 17 jdk built against musl libc (x86_64, aarch64 only)
    • zulu21musl - zulu 21 jdk built against musl libc (x86_64, aarch64 only)

deprecated/broken/disabled recipes

  • bsdheaders ( - from bonsai linux, workaround DECLS for cdefs.h)
    • upstream repo went missing
  • (old) ksh93 ( via at&t ast)
    • actually ksh2020
    • dormant
  • libmetalink (
    • supported only in wget, which tries to bring in gpgme and its assorted deps; easier to remove for now