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This is an example app demonstrating how one would hook up Ember to Phoenix and communicate via GraphQL

Ember Phoenix GraphQL

This is an example app demonstrating how one would hook up Ember to Phoenix and communicate via GraphQL. I was surprised at how easy it was to setup! Please let me know if you have any questions.


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/ryanswapp/ember-phoenix-graphql.git

Navigate to the frontend directory and run the following commands:

npm install

bower install

ember s

Now, in another terminal window (while the Ember server is running) navigate to the backend directory and run the following commands:

mix deps.get

mix ecto.setup

mix phoenix.server

Your Phoenix API will now be live at http://localhost:4000 and the Ember app will be live at http://localhost:4200. If you checkout the Ember app you can navigate to the posts route and see posts retrieved from the server.

If you'd like to play with the GraphQL server navigate to http://localhost:4000/api/post?query={posts}. You'll be presented with a GraphiQL data explorer that you can have some fun with. Try running the following query:

  posts {

Pretty cool huh? If you'd like to learn more about GraphQL I recommend you check out this excellent guide.