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A clean, simplified WordPress Admin theme.

Results 7 slate issues
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I'm getting an issue that causes all the pages to display on the admin "menu" screen, and when editing using Elementor. Here's some screen grabs: WP admin Menu screen -...

![image]( This is clearly bad for MU installations and I think its bad if I use slate on multiple sites. Either way, I like the minimalistic approach, but would love...

Cannot save wordpress customizer. Please double check your assets that it should only run on admin.

Hey Ryan, I noticed that your plugin gets rid of the ability to use the Visual Composer plugin - is this something you can add in?

`#adminmenu .wp-has-current-submenu .wp-submenu { background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); padding-top: 12px; }` `#side-sortablesback { min-height: 100vh; }`

I assigned a lower priority to 'slate_post_state' function because 'display_post_states' filter can be used to append custom post status to custom post types so hyphen would be still visible if...