vim-devicons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-devicons copied to clipboard

Custom Folder Icons for Matching Folder Patters or Words in Vim and NeoVim

Open pythonhubdev opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments


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  1. I am using Hack Nerd Font Mono
  2. I am using latest version of vim and NeoVim (Vim - 8.2, NeoVim - 0.7.2)
  3. I am using Vim in Terminal
  4. I am using Mac

I can see that for some folders the icons are shown. (Ex: Dropbox). Is there a feature to add custom folder icons for different folder patterns or matching words. This could be so helpful if added. I don't know whether this feature is already available but as far as I have searched I couldn't get a config file for this also in the Gitter chat. Can you please help me with this request.

pythonhubdev avatar Jul 28 '22 08:07 pythonhubdev