vim-devicons icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-devicons copied to clipboard

weird escape sequence --> ^[P1$r0 q^[\^[[?12;4$y

Open Goku-San opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

  • [x ] I have searched the issues for my issue and found nothing related and/or helpful
  • [ x] I have read or at least glanced at the FAQ
  • [ x] I have read or at least glanced at the Wiki
  • [ x] VimDevIcons is the last loaded vim plugin?
  • [ x] What version of vim are you using? vim version: 8.2.1490
  • [x ] What version of vim-devicons are you using? devicons version: 0.11.0
  • [ x] Are you using vim from the terminal or a GUI vim? terminal vim
  • [x ] Are you using Mac, Linux or Windows? Linux Manjaro XFCE terminal: xfce-terminal

Optional Info

I noticed the issue today

I commented out all the plugins and one by one checked which plugin is causing the issue. When I got to devicons the sequence popped up, so I commented out the plugins again and tried with devicons only. The sequence disappeared.

Than I tried devicons + ... and the winning combination was devicons + vim-airline . So I commented out my settings the sequence is still showing up, even on blank vim buffer. It is always around L38-40. If file is less than 38 lines than nothing happens. Airline settings airline version 0.11

let g:airline_powerline_fonts=1
let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled=1
let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled=1
let g:airline_section_c='%{expand("%:~:.")} %{strftime("%b %d %Y %H:%M", getftime(expand("%")))}'
let g:airline_section_x='%y'
let g:airline_section_y='[%{&fileencoding?&fileencoding:&encoding}][%{&fileformat}]'
let g:airline_section_z='%p%% ☰ %l:%c/%L'

DevIcons settings that I normally use

" let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeGlyphDoubleWidth=1
" let g:webdevicons_conceal_nerdtree_brackets=1
" let g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeBeforeGlyphPadding=''
" let g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeAfterGlyphPadding=' '
" let g:WebDevIconsNerdTreeGitPluginForceVAlign=0
" let g:WebDevIconsUnicodeDecorateFolderNodes=1
" let g:DevIconsEnableFoldersOpenClose=1

vim_weird_esc_seq empty_vim_buffer

Goku-San avatar Aug 31 '20 14:08 Goku-San

Is it a duplicate of #266?

get-me-power avatar Sep 08 '20 07:09 get-me-power

Hello @kazukazuinaina, yes it could be a duplicate, but this sequence is different than that in #266.When I was googling this problem I did't find anything about it. Anyhow, reading the #266 and the other links in there, I can confirm that set t_RV= makes the sequence disappear. Also they state that it is a workaround.

Also I noticed that if I set background=dark in .vimrc the sequence disappears in empty vim buffer.

If You like you can close this issue and I can move to #266. I hope this gets solved soon. Thanks.

Goku-San avatar Sep 08 '20 12:09 Goku-San

I get this error from the "Syntastic" plugin. But not on all my machines just my laptop,not sure why.

damonmccain avatar Dec 08 '21 16:12 damonmccain

I get this error from the "Syntastic" plugin. But not on all my machines just my laptop,not sure why.

Which terminal do you use on your laptop?

For the benefit of others who might end up here searching on terminal control sequence ^[[?12;4$y:

This may be related to limitations in some terminal applications. I have reproduced in iTerm2 3.4.16 but have not seen the issue in Terminal 2.12.7. iTerm2 reports as VT100 (^[[>0;95;0c) when Vim queries it via ^[[>c; Terminal reports as VT220 (^[[>1;95;0c). Disabling the relevant terminal query (set t_RV=) appears to fix the issue for iTerm2. It also appears to be fixed in the nightly built of iTerm2 (e.g. 3.5.20220924-nightly) which responds to the query with ^[[>41;2500;0, i.e. VT420.

teleological avatar Oct 25 '22 03:10 teleological