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add font support Chinese
I hope can add some fonts support Chinese
Maybe you can explain a bit more what you hope for?
I have no experience with Chinese glyphs, but I guess most fonts have only latin letters, some have cyrillic additionally, few have more.
If you have a nice (Chinese) font where you would like to have all the icons and symbols added to it, that can probably be done. I believe there are some Google-Noto
fonts. But I guess you need a 'westener' font installed and used in parallel anyhow?
Sorry, would need more input. What you use, how you use it, what you expect, ... :-)
aybe you can explain a bit more what you hope for?
such as,
JetBrains Mono Font. website:, Chinese is not supported.
Microsoft YaHei Font. website: ,Support Chinese display.
In some software, only one font can be selected, if select JetBrains Mono Font, The Chinese font cannot be set。
so,I hope to find some nerd-font fonts that support Chinese.
Do you need just the symbols inside (for example) Microsoft YaHei Font
or do you in fact need a JetBrains Mono
font, with symbols and Chinese glyphs?
Nerd Font just takes existing fonts (with an appropriate license) and add some symbol glyphs to it. It does not touch the contained 'language' glyphs. So if the original font does not have Chinese glyphs, the fonts created by Nerd Font also do not have them.
For example we could take the Microsoft YaHei Font
and add the symbols. But we can not, because of the font's license. But you yourself can (i.e. take the font-patcher
and add symbols to a local existing font file). But then I doubt that someone wants to do programming with YaHei Font :thinking:
But what we could patch - probably, did not check in detail - is Google's Noto CJK
, which is in fact Adobe's Source Han
But which of that many fonts (that are huge files) would be useful?
I guess maybe Language Specific Monospace OTFs Simplified Chinese (简体中文) (Noto Sans Mono CJK
Ah and then fontforge
is not able to open the font..., probably because they are OTC.
But there is a ttf
I guess we can patch that. But that would just be 'regular' and not 'bold', because fontforge
does not work with VF very well.
But most critical is the question from the top: Do you need just the symbols inside (for example) Microsoft YaHei Font
or do you in fact need a JetBrains Mono
font, with symbols and Chinese glyphs?
@Finii Microsoft yaheihe or JetBrains Mono is just an example. You can maintain several license free Chinese fonts and make them into nerd font. In fact, I want an equal width font for programming, which supports both Chinese and symbols。
你好 偶然看到這個Issue 若你是想要已經打好補釘的中文字體 這邊有個Repo是我自己已經使用很久的 雖然是作者是日本人 但像是NasuM這個字體是使用思源黑體衍生字體修改而來 故有著與思源黑體一樣的中文字覆蓋度(當然有些字會變成日文漢字慣用寫法,但我覺得無傷大雅)
This repo contains a lot of nerd fonts pathched CJK fonts, which I've used for a long time.
Translate: You can take a look at the Sarasa font. The author provides support for English and Chinese characters and can perfectly guarantee equal width.
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