Ryan Mitchell

Results 59 issues of Ryan Mitchell

When using `static:warm` the command already cleverly works out any urls to hit from the repositories and basic `Route::statamic` routes. However if you have a Route::statamic that has dynamic elements,...

This PR adds support for queries on 'relationship' fields in the format: ```php $entries = Entry::query()->whereHas('entries_field', function ($subquery) { $subquery->where('title', 'Post 2'); }); $entries = Entry::query()->whereHas('entries_field'); $entries = Entry::query()->whereRelation('entries_field', 'title',...

As mentioned in https://github.com/statamic/cms/pull/9405 Add a `static_cache` cache store outside of the default cache, so it doesnt get affected by `cache:clear`.

3rd times a charm? This PR provides an option to automatically add BuyXGetY discount rewards. It adds a toggle to the discount create/edit screen to automatically add. When selected we...


This PR adds support for attributes on customer groups using the pre-existing conventions and approaches in the codebase. I've not added any UI for managing these - I assume that...


On BuyXGetY discounts there are both limitations (by collection, brand, product) and the ability to select what products qualify. Unless I'm misunderstanding the intent, this feels a bit redundant (?)...


To complement https://github.com/statamic/cms/pull/9317

If/when https://github.com/statamic/cms/pull/6455 merges into core we will need to support an eloquent form repository. This PR will add that functionality (it can only work alongside the core PR, and tests...

If https://github.com/statamic/cms/pull/6455 merges then the config for forms should split out the submissions model in a similar manner to https://github.com/statamic/eloquent-driver/pull/133 allowing the form config and submissions to be stored in...

feature request