Ryan Masuga
Ryan Masuga
I needed to see some email settings today. I don't have the site locally, and simply needed to confirm what production was using. I had to contact a dev -...
Got bit by this two times in one day. Needed to look at some Solspace Freeform settings to confirm something for client, only to find that I cannot see those...
Would be curious for any sort of update to this extension! Usage with Laravel Mix 6 (#12) or using latest version critical.
Has this been implemented in a version that is available for download? I installed 1.2.8, which I downloaded from https://fitztrev.github.io/shuttle/
I can't get separators to work, and at this point I've learned to live with whatever order Shuttle wats to put these things in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What is the actual latest version that is available? I just downloaded 1.2.8 (I think?) but I'd love to have the version that has the ability to sort the shortcuts...
> We're going to resolve all the pressing issues over the coming month. Once they have been resolved we will revert the status of the plugin. That's nice to hear,...
Would love to have this feature without needing any type of workaround, because I agree with @dude1756 that a "building up a user manual without videos is a bit frustrating"....
Further - does anyone have a clear explanation of how to get an iframe to show on a WYSIWYG page? I must be confused - I don't see any way...
@ccolella-mdc I hadn't tried the HTML page type yet, but yes - the responsive embed code works there, too. @NGPixel Thanks. I know some WYSIWYG editors have a "Source" button...