Ryan McLean
Ryan McLean
To be honest you'd be better just getting an A600 or an A500+. Stock 500 with ECS is the A500+ iirc that was the only diff between A500 and A500+....
trying to get that info from the designer at the moment. my hope is that it is as this would be a very cheap way to add HDMI to a...
though a bit messy, i might look into https://www.eevblog.com/forum/beginners/converting-15khz-analog-rgb-to-digital/ to see if i can convert those analog signals to something this can work with if they are infact just analog...
> If the rgb bits are available on the board to pick up them it should be possible but it depends on the bit depth of the RGB. If it's...
I spoke to Tim Worthington and he provided the following images. I don't know if he would be willing to release a version for this, I can ask though as...
I got a response: ```I'm working on a new version on NESRGB at the moment. I'll add this digital output port you request. Six bits of digital video data, one...
My NESRGB didnt seem to work and i've not had time to figure out if i broke the video chip during the transplant