DragAndDrop icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
DragAndDrop copied to clipboard

Example app for iLikeToMoveIt


Example app for ILikeToMoveIt

Also just a demo app for Drag and Drop features.

Accessible move actions

*iOS 15+ Adding .onMove allows some users to drag items up and down in a list but it does not add any accessibility affordances to perform these actions.

If you want to add accessibility actions to move items up and down your list you can add the package ILikeToMoveIt and follow the instructtions to add .accessibilityMoveable() view modifiers.

Demo Video

ILikeToMoveIt demo app with the logo at the top and two lists at the bottom. The left list contains a number of birds. Chicken is dragged up a few spaces. Cardinal is dragged to the empty list on the right. Robin, Goose, and Swan are picked up from the left list and dropped on the right list. Text reading StringBird above the list is dragged onto the right list. Switching over to the reminders app, two reminders named Crow and Finch are picked up and dragged back into the right list of ILikeToMoveIt. VoiceOver is turned on and Robin is moved up and down using accessibility actions. Each time the move and the final position above Chicken or below Blue Jay is reported along with At Top or At Bottom if applicable.

Making a new draggable type

  • Start with a Codable object that you want to drag and drop.
struct Bird: Codable {
    let name: String
  • Add your custom object info to your Project

Project > Target > Info > Exported Type Identifiers

  • Add your type as an extension to UTType
import UniformTypeIdentifiers

extension UTType {
    static let bird = UTType("com.ryanlintott.draganddrop.bird") ?? .data

Draggable custom types in iOS 14 & 15

  • Add ILikeToMoveIt to your project and follow instructions to conform your object to Providable.

Draggable custom types in iOS 16

  • Conform your object to Transferable
  • Add the transferRepresetation property and include a CodableRepresentation for your custom type along with a DataRepresentation for any other compatible types.
static var transferRepresentation: some TransferRepresentation {
    CodableRepresentation(contentType: .bird)

    DataRepresentation(importedContentType: .plainText) { data in
        let string = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
        return Bird(name: string)

Adding drag and drop to your SwiftUI views

Once your type conforms to Transferable, adding SwiftUI drag and drop modifiers is easy!


Make any view draggable by adding this modifier



Any view can be a drop destination. Add the dropped items using the action, use the location for animation if you like, and use the isTargeted closure to animate the view when droppable content is hovering.

.dropDestination(for: Bird.self) { droppedBirds, location in
    birds.append(contentsOf: droppedBirds)
    return true
} isTargeted: {
    isTargetted = $0


When added to ForEach dropped items can be inserted in-between other items.

.dropDestination(for: Bird.self) { droppedBirds, offset in
    birds.insert(contentsOf: droppedBirds, at: offset)