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Add category "archives"

Open gilbitron opened this issue 10 years ago • 5 comments

Show an "archive" when visiting a folder root. Possibly allow override with index.md as with homepage.

gilbitron avatar Jun 03 '14 14:06 gilbitron

Need to make sure category index.md files can be seen (currently you would hit a 404 visiting /index).

gilbitron avatar Jun 04 '14 08:06 gilbitron

Just to mention #7.

paulodiovani avatar Jun 04 '14 17:06 paulodiovani

@gilbitron, I don't see where this "archive" category will fit. Personally, adding an archive feels very much like a blog as opposed to a "single source of truth" set of documentation

Do you feel the project has shifted direction since 2014 where the "archived" category would not be needed?

If it's still desired, please go into more depth on how you'd like to see it function

ryanlelek avatar Jan 31 '16 02:01 ryanlelek

It is probably quite "bloggy" but might still be useful to have. I imagine it would work like this: If a user visits a folder without an index.md the page would output a list of links to pages within the folder. For example:


If the user visited http://docs.raneto.com/usage just now you get a 404. Instead we would show the list of links in the page content (same links in the sidebar menu).

gilbitron avatar Feb 01 '16 09:02 gilbitron

This would be a great enhancement, this is the main issue that I've noticed, apart from this it's pretty much perfect for a knowledge base.

BenGoodmanUK avatar Nov 30 '16 13:11 BenGoodmanUK