Ryan King
Ryan King
We can add an option in the travis ci block of fogg.json that checks docs have been generated for each module.
format the fogg.json and ?
I feel like for these the `Must...` is a kind of a go convention. Maybe `MustResolveString` _Originally posted by @edulop91 in https://github.com/_render_node/MDIzOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0UmV2aWV3VGhyZWFkMTc0MzMyMjkzOnYy/pull_request_review_threads/discussion_
Actually we can't do that. test/quick relies on this method name _Originally posted by @ryanking in https://github.com/_render_node/MDIzOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0UmV2aWV3VGhyZWFkMTc0MzMyMDAzOnYy/pull_request_review_threads/discussion_
It would be great if we could support automatically migrating state in terraform modules. The use case is this– you ship a module `foo` with resources `bar` and `baz`. Later...