alpine-tooltip icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
alpine-tooltip copied to clipboard

Add tooltips to your Alpine 3.x components with a custom directive.

Results 6 alpine-tooltip issues
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Hello, How can I always show the tooltip, please?

I'm a little confused how the TippyJS dependency works for this package. Shouldn't `tippy.js` be in the `dependencies`, rather than the `devDependencies` of the `package.json` file? Somehow the plugin still...

In my application of alpine-tooltip I've set the `placement` to `bottom`, but because depending on the scroll position and room in the viewport, Popper decides it's better to place it...

``` ``` I have added the script and the CSS but the tooltip not show , Even the raw tooltip does not show .. nothing works ``` ```

... and let their hooks take care of destroying the instance. I am posting the code on the upstream (here) instead of pulling it into filament. If it is approved...

When the directive is removed from the DOM the tippy instance linked to this element should be destroyed, otherwise the old outdated tooltip will appear. For example: