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Add support for custom image avatar, custom fields to automatically populate the Your Name field, and the ability to hide user fields when logged in.
Just to clarify, this is for the comments fieldtype :)
Thanks Adrian, looks good to me. I like your additions. One thing I think I'll want to change when adding this is the method of hiding user fields. Currently it uses display=none to hide user fields. I think I'd rather prevent the markup from appearing in the output and let the info be determined at processing time. In addition to being a little more efficient, it'll prevent the possibility of the user manipulating those values using a web inspector or something.
Great - thanks - looking forward to seeing this in the core - definitely something I need on my a few of my sites at the moment.
Actually just wondering if when it's a logged in user that is leaving the comment, maybe the cite field shouldn't be populated at all, but when rendering comments, the value for cite should be queried based on the created_users_id field and the values of the fields defined in $this->options['yourNameFields']. Seems it would be nicer in case the user changes their name at some point.
Hey Ryan,
Do you think there is any chance that this might make its way into 2.6. I am using it on a few sites now and it would be great to have it part of the core.
I completely understand if there is just too much else going on at your end - this is just a polite nudge if you do have time :)
One more minor modification - we need to resize the image to 40 x 40
$imgUrl = count($u->{$this->options['useImageField']}) ? $u->{$this->options['useImageField']}->first()->size(40,40)->url : '';
Hey @ryancramerdesign - what's the chance of getting this implemented - 4 years later and I am still doing this manually on many sites.
Thanks for considering!
Hi Adrian,
Just curious, is this open on the Processwire issues repo?
Hi Steve - it's not, because I made this PR against a much older version of PW and Ryan sounded keen to implement more or less as is, even adding a ToDo tag to it. I happy to add a feature request on the new repo, but I'm not going to bother with an updated PR for obvious reasons :)
Yep, understood.