#15953 # Work environment | Questions | Answers |------------------------------------------------------|-------------------- | OS/arch/bits (mandatory) | Windows 10 x64 | File format of the file you reverse (mandatory) | PE | Architecture/bits of...
I compiled my WinAFL binaries using the intel PT flag and im trying to use the example in the docs but I cannot seem to get it to work, I...
`afl-fuzz.exe -i ..\testcases\tests -o ..\out -D C:\DynamoRIO\bin32 -t 10000+ -- -coverage_module AppShieldDLL.dll -fuzz_iterations 5000 -target_module HncAppShield.exe -target_method fuzz_hwp -nargs 1 -- .\HncAppShield.exe @@` `WinAFL 1.16b by `Based on AFL 2.43b...
Hey! I was wondering if you could help me out with some issues I seem to be having with whats coming out of the TX line. So I'm following along...
I'm confused because the way the tool is shown to run is like "hey simple just -d and name the device" But its not, you can't just name any simple...