go-tmdb copied to clipboard
Golang Wrapper for TheMovieDB API
I was wondering: Is anyone using go-tmdb for open source projects? If yes what are you building? i just dont want to build something that somealready build. greetings
The value field can be many different values in this response. It can be a string, int, bool or struct in each particular case. Come up with some way to...
http://docs.themoviedb.apiary.io/#reference/movies/movieidreleasedates This endpoint includes a new release date ''type" value.
Soo I am trying to use the package with proxies configured and I have an error `Get "URL HERE": dial tcp connect: connection refused` My config: ```go config :=...
According to [TMDB API docs](https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/request-rate-limiting), rate limiting was disabled on December 16, 2019. TMDB founder stated the following [in the forums](http://www.themoviedb.org/talk/62c7c1b258361b005fd2e747#62c83b78befd91005007a0c7) regarding `api.themoviedb.org`: "One of our CDN providers enforces some...
Could please add aggregate_credits api? fmt.Sprintf("%s/tv/%v/season/%v/aggregate_credits?api_key=%s", baseURL, showID, seasonNum, tmdb.apiKey) Thanks