fanboy-adblock copied to clipboard - Page won't load properly (EasyList Cookie List / Fanboy's Annoyance List) [GDPR]
Affected site:
The page won't load properly, because of a blocked cookie consent, which needs to be accepted!
Not needed, as the problem is obvious.
Problem filters:
- EasyList Cookie List (a.k.a. Fanboy's Cookie List)
- Fanboy's Annoyance List
Problem rules:
Possible fix:
In some browsers, the page first appears to work without whitelisting the cookie consent. But if you simply refresh the page, it will break right away!
Other problem filters:
~~AdGuard Annoyances filter (FIXED) ~~
~~ -
~~Frellwit's Swedish Filter (FIXED) ~~
~~ -
~~I don't care about cookies (@kiboke)~~ (FIXED) ~~
System info:
- OS/version: Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
- Browser/version: Pale Moon v28.13.0 (x64)
- Adblock Extension/version: uBlock Origin v1.16.4.25 (XUL)
How detect bad loaded element of that site?
With Firefox 81 works same without accept and simple hide bar.
With cookie consent blocked:
With cookie consent accepted:
I tested this with Chromium-ungoogled now, and indeed, at first the page seemed to work without whitelisting the cookie consent. But if you simply refresh the page, it will break right away!
Added note to first post
So Goanna and Blink/Chromium specific breakage.
In uBO for Firefox, try setting the advanced setting 'suspendTabsUntilReady' to "yes". Does this affect its bahaviour in this regard?
"Default" is yes
for Firefox, manually write yes and save nothing change.
I preferred to write as if someone had ignored the testing attempt at Pale Moon and false positive close issue.
"Default" is
for Firefox
OK, it's about time that they've made that the default setting, as I remember that it was very important for Firefox!
Thank you @THEtomaso It will work fine in the next IDCAC version!