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[QUESTION] Ephemeris file source
Thank you for this excellent project!
Regarding the demise of TomTom Sports product line by the end of September 2023: does anybody know any alternative source to the ephemeris file? Is it a proprietary file format? Can it be generated from the official sources like this one?
I would like to use the watch as long as I can, but without correct GPS data it seems to be impossible.
Hello im also interested in this. just got the mail from tomtom today
I have no idea unfortunately. My own watch died a couple of years ago, so I can't really help here. Sorry.
No problem @ryanbinns
@TiceRex I found this :
I wish I knew where the person that hosts that is getting the files from. If he's just downloading it from tomtom server or is generating them somehow.
Unfortunately the extended ephemeris is a proprietary file format. The files that can be found online are all provided by either the chipset manufacturer or third-party service provider that don't necessarily have the ability to generate the files themselves..
I guess being so protective of the file format, means it's still generating licensing revenue, and we won't see any open sourced tool to generate them (even though it might not be too difficult given that the underlying ephemeris and almanac data are publicly available).
Once tomtom stops serving the files, we would rely on another provider (like the one mentionned by @falsovsky, however I asked, and they also plan to stop serving the files in the near future..).
An alternative config for the ephemeris file exists thanks to
Pull and rebuild the project!