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tools and toys for expanding minds :milky_way:


tools and toys for expanding minds 🌌 is a free and open source noncommercial hobby project exploring tools and toys with web tech. It's made with Svelte, SvelteKit, Vite, TypeScript, PixiJS, and space.

learn more about cosmicplayground



Everything is staticly hosted on GitHub pages, and there's no 3rd party junk anywhere.

Windows is not supported directly but WSL works, I chose Bash integration instead

npm i # node 20.10+
npm start # or gro dev
# open your browser to localhost:5173 or whatever it says
npm run build # for production, or gro build

learn more about Gro

credits :turtle: :turtle::turtle:

This project relies on open source software and freely licensed content like ESA/NASA's Hubble imagery and the music of Alexander Nakarada. See for the complete list of non-software assets and their credits.

made with SvelteSvelteKitVitePixiJS@Sinova/CollisionsTypeScriptuvuGroESLintPrettier & more


  • WebGL, Pixi, and bundle sizes

license 🐦

code is public domain ⚘ The Unlicense

For the licenses and copyright info of the graphics, audio, and other non-code assets, see
