Ryan Roemer

Results 175 comments of Ryan Roemer

Hi @rylnd -- If you can create a minimal repository with install + error reproduction steps, I can jump in and see if I can figure out a solution for...

Thanks @rylnd ! Will dive into this when I get a chance (this week or next) -- I've been a bit swamped lately...

Your code is failing on basic ESM imports. We publish both ESM and CommonJS files, so there's very likely something at issue with the gatsby build setup, namely needing to...

Can you create a minimal repository that hits the issue and then provide install + error reproduction steps? That would be a great help for us to investigate this more...

@alexmarles -- Thanks for digging in! Would you mind whipping up a PR with that? @tptee @kenwheeler -- Are we never supposed to have an undefined `versions` or is that...

@maoueh -- `versions` needs to know the root of where to inspect `node_modules` for actual packages. See: - https://github.com/FormidableLabs/inspectpack#versions (underlying engine w/ its own cli) - https://github.com/FormidableLabs/webpack-dashboard#options-1 (`root` option) If...

We're working on it upstream in `inspectpack` and `webpack-dashboard`.

Let's keep it open. This will be our tracking issue.

Upstream is already done: - https://github.com/FormidableLabs/inspectpack/issues/60 - https://github.com/FormidableLabs/webpack-dashboard/issues/240 @kenwheeler is working on integrating those changes here.

Removing from `1.0` milestone until we have a reproduction / otherwise verify issue.