elm-spa copied to clipboard
Got an empty make error....
Got this output after a refactor.
! elm-spa failed to understand an error
Please report the output below to https://github.com/ryannhg/elm-spa/issues
! elm-spa failed to understand an error
Please send the output above to https://github.com/ryannhg/elm-spa/issues
I have been deleting some pages and adding them again. Maybe even removed one static and added it back under the same name but dynamic.
I works fine during development and elm-spa server
i more than happy to show and update the site
I have been trying to narrow the cause down and got a minimal change that trickers to error
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
FocusedUUID ->
-- _ = Debug.log "Focusing and updating source to Manual :" " "
model2 = model
({ model | ready = False}, Cmd.none )
I see the error when I uncomment the line about
I was getting the same error, I commented all my Debug.log
lines and it compiled.
I encountered this error as well, it seems to be generated when an Elm compiler error is not mapped out in elm-spa, so to know what is the exact issue you can run elm make .elm-spa/defaults/Main.elm
which will give you the exact error, in my case was a circular dependency causing the unknown error in elm-spa.