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is there anyone have successfully load the pretrained model in code?
is there anyone have successfully load the pretrained model in code? I have no idea about it. I have tried : saver1 = tf.train.import_meta_graph(pretrained_meta) saver1.restore(sess, pretrained_ckpt) but it tells me that "At least two variables have the same name" if you have loaded successfully, please tell me your method. I will appreciate it.
Hi @Yiman-GO, I tried something just like you did
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('ResNet-L152.meta')
saver.restore(sess, "ResNet-L152.ckpt")
And it worked fine, hope it helps !
@GabrielXia I tried but it doesn't work. Can I have a look at your code? I am confused where to add the code. Also, have you had an implementation on your own data successfully? I abandoned the pretrained model but! it doesn't work. it said that loss is nan. I have no idea about it. Thank you very much.
The following code works for me where I load the weight of 2D ResNet-50 model into 3D ResNet-50 model:
with tf.Session() as sess:
# build 3D ResNet-50
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('/DATA/houyn/pre-trained-models/models/ResNet-L50.meta')
saver.restore(sess, '/DATA/houyn/pre-trained-models/models/ResNet-L50.ckpt')
var_list = saver._var_list
for i in range(265):
tmp = sess.run(var_list[i], feed_dict={})
if tmp.shape[0] < 10:
tmp = [tmp / 1.0 / tmp.shape[0] for _ in range(tmp.shape[0])]
tmp = np.stack(tmp, axis=0)
You can use PyCharm to view the variable values and its names in the debug mode.
@cardwing can you tell me where i can download 3D ResNet-50 model, thanks.
@SongleChen2015, the following URL stores the model of 3d resnet-50, please check. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WkNtPNqf7-O1-RvXj4auWTH6OYqA2QKG
@cardwing I have downloaded the 3d resnet-50 model, thanks. Can you show me an example about how to define a 3d renset-50 network by using tensorflow ? Thanks again.
Hi @Yiman-GO, I tried something just like you did
with tf.Session() as sess: saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('ResNet-L152.meta') saver.restore(sess, "ResNet-L152.ckpt")
And it worked fine, hope it helps !
When I do this, get: ValueError: At least two variables have the same name: fc/biases How to solve it?