yuki copied to clipboard
雪 - Yuki | Snowflake :snowflake:
雪 - Yuki
System Information:
- OS: NixOS
- Desktop Environment: Gnome
- Shell: ZSH
- Terminal: Kitty
- Editor: Visual Studio Code
:snowflake: About Yuki
Welcome to "雪 - Yuki", a repository showcasing my personal collection of dotfiles. These dotfiles are tailored for NixOS and Home-Manager, utilizing the power of flakes and flake-parts for optimal organization and efficiency.
To explore the flake outputs and their functionalities, run:
nix flake show github:rxyhn/yuki
:package: Repository Contents
- Flake: Core flake scaffolding.
- Home: Home-Manager configurations.
- Hosts: Host-specific configurations.
- Lib: Utility scripts and personal library.
- pkgs: Custom and additional packages.
:bulb: Acknowledgments
Special thanks to the following individuals for their insights, feedback, and inspiration in this endeavor to develop this configuration:
Fufexan • Misterio77 • Moni-dz • NotAShelf • Sioodmy • ViperML