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Safari bookmark 'Start Page' : Three finger tab does not work

Open AllanF1 opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Three finger tap to open the link in a new tab does not work in the Safari Bookmark start page.

AllanF1 avatar Jul 10 '22 01:07 AllanF1

Thanks for reporting. Is this something where a different gesture does work, or a physical middle mouse button does work, and specifically three finger tap does not work? If those don't work either, then it's likely that there isn't something I would be able to do about it.

For me to better understand what's going wrong, can you make a quick screen recording?

rxhanson avatar Jul 10 '22 01:07 rxhanson

Should be easy to recreate:

  1. In Safari, add a bookmark.
  2. Safari-Preferences-General- < New tabs open with > - < Start Page >
  3. Safari-Preferences-General- < Favourites Shows > - "select the folder with bookmarks".
  4. Reopen safari browser. This should open the start page with bookmarks appearing as cards
  5. On this page the Three finger tap does not work on the cards.

AllanF1 avatar Jul 10 '22 06:07 AllanF1