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Stopped working (v1.7.4)

Open ZANIdev opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

I'm not as well versed as others on this forum, so forgive me, but I just don't understand what could possibly be going wrong. Everything was working fine until I updated to 1.7.4 yesterday, and the trackpad gesture suddenly stopped working. I've uninstalled and re-installed, deactivated and re-activated my license key, and restarted my computer, all to no avail. Why would this be happening? is anyone else experiencing this issue?

ZANIdev avatar Apr 23 '22 21:04 ZANIdev

This is the first I've seen this. Let's see if we can get to the bottom of it.

  1. What is your configured trackpad gesture? If you try a different gesture does it work?
  2. What apps do you use the middle click in?

We'll want to see what Middle is seeing. In the about window, select Debug > Show Viewer.

  1. Does the viewer display?
  2. What do you see, does it blink gray when you middle click?

If we don't see a viewer and it doesn't blink gray, then can you try reverting back to a previous version and see if it works? Then we have a point of reference. https://middleclick.app/versions

rxhanson avatar Apr 23 '22 22:04 rxhanson

(Also, make sure that you haven't "Ignored" an app in the menu bar menu)

rxhanson avatar Apr 23 '22 22:04 rxhanson