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Middle click not triggered from trackpad connected via Universal Control

Open dancormier opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Middle doesn't seem to trigger when the input comes via Universal Control.


I'm using Middle v1.7.4 on a 2016 15" MBP running Mac OS 12.3.1. I'm happy to provide any additional info.


The below gif includes the viewer and shows using the built-in trackpad on my MacBook followed by a magic trackpad via another machine using Universal Control. Note the lack of input detection in the second half.


dancormier avatar Apr 05 '22 20:04 dancormier

Thanks for the gif, with the details! At this time, it's a limitation from Apple's side. When Apple updates what they expose of Universal Control to third parties, then I will update Middle to work as expected.

rxhanson avatar Apr 06 '22 01:04 rxhanson

I'm not using any Universal Control and I'm still facing this issue. happened yesterday after the update seemingly out of nowhere.

ZANIdev avatar Apr 23 '22 21:04 ZANIdev