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Real time sync from MongoDB into InfluxDB
Real time sync from MongoDB into InfluxDB
This tool supports MongoDB 3.6+ and InfluxDB 1.X. The go driver for InfluxDB 2.X has not yet been released so this tool has only been tested to work with InfluxDB 1.X.
Download the latest release or install with golang 1.11 and above
# clone the repo outside your $GOPATH
git clone
cd mongofluxd
# install binary to $GOPATH/bin/mongofluxd
go install
Mongofluxd uses the MongoDB oplog as an event source.
You will need to ensure that MongoDB is configured to produce an oplog by deploying a replica set.
If you haven't already done so, follow the 5 step procedure to initiate and validate your replica set. For local testing your replica set may contain a single member.
Run mongofluxd with the -f option to point to a configuration file. The configuration format is toml.
A configuration looks like this:
influx-url = "http://localhost:8086"
influx-skip-verify = true
influx-auto-create-db = true
#influx-pem-file = "/path/to/cert.pem"
influx-clients = 10
mongo-url = "mongodb://localhost:27017"
# use the default MongoDB port on localhost
# see for all options
replay = false
# process all events from the beginning of the oplog
resume = false
# save the timestamps of processed events for resuming later
resume-strategy = 1
# use 0, default, for timestamps (MongoDB 4+) or use 1 for tokens (MongoDB 3.6+)
resume-name = "mongofluxd"
# the key to store timestamps under in the collection mongoflux.resume
verbose = false
# output some information when points are written
change-streams = true
# you should turn on change streams but only if using MongoDB 3.6+
direct-reads = true
# read events directly out of mongodb collections in addition to tailing the oplog
exit-after-direct-reads = true
# exit the process after direct reads have completed. defaults to false to continuously read events from the oplog
# this measurement will only apply to the collection test in db test
# measurements are stored in an Influx DB matching the name of the MongoDB database
namespace = "test.test"
# fields must be document properties of type int, float, bool, or string
# nested fields like "e.f" are supported, e.g. { e: { f: 1.5 }}
# you can rename nested fields to simplify them in InfluxDB by using a colon, e.g. "e.f:foo"
fields = ["c", "d"]
# optionally override the field to take time from. defaults to the insertion ts at second precision
# recommended if you need ms precision. use Mongo's native Date object to get ms precision
timefield = "t"
# optionally override the time precision. defaults to "s" since MongoDB oplog entries are to the second
# use in conjunction with timefield and native Mongo Date to get ms precision
precision = "ms"
namespace = "db.products"
# optional tags must be document properties with string values
# nested tags like "e.f" are supported, e.g. { e: { f: "red" }}
# you can rename nested tags to simplify them in InfluxDB by using a colon, e.g. "e.f:color"
tags = ["sku", "category"]
fields = ["sales", "price"]
# set the retention policy for this measurement
retention = "RP1"
# override the measurement name which defaults to the name of the MongoDB collection
measure = "sales"
# the measurement name can be calculated from the Fields, Tags, or Doc in a golang template
# measure = "{{.Tags.category}}_{{.Fields.price}}_{{}}"
# override the influx database name which default to the name of the MongoDB database
database = "salesdb"
namespace = "db.col"
# You can specify a view of the namespace. Direct reads will go through the view.
# Change docs for db.col will also be routed through the view. The _id of the doc
# that changed is used as the key into the view.
view = "db.viewofcol"
Some numbers
Load 100K documents of time series data into MongoDB.
// sleep for 1ms to ensure t is 1ms apart
for (var i=0; i<100000; ++i) { sleep(1); var t = new Date(); db.test.insert({c: 1, d: 5.5, t: t}); }
Run monfluxd with direct reads on test.test (config contents above)
time ./mongofluxd -f ~/INFLUX.toml
INFO 2018/03/17 14:58:02 Direct read parallel collection scan is ON
INFO 2018/03/17 14:58:02 Parallel collection scan command returned 7/10 cursors requested for test.test
INFO 2018/03/17 14:58:02 Starting 7 go routines to read test.test
real 0m1.432s
user 0m2.520s
sys 0m0.672s
Verify it all got into InfluxDB
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.2.0
InfluxDB shell version: 1.2.0
> use test;
Using database test
> select count(*) from test;
name: test
time count_c count_d
---- ------- -------
0 100000 100000
On a VirtualBox VM with 4 virtual cores and 4096 mb of memory, syncing 100K documents from MongoDB to InfluxDB took only 1.432 seconds for a throughput of ~ 70K points per second.
mongofluxd supports golang 1.8 plugins for advanced use cases. For example, you have a one-to-many relationship between MongoDB documents and InfluxDB points. mongofluxd supports consuming 1 go plugin .so. This .so may expose many public functions. mongofluxd supports mapping one plugin symbol (a function) with each measurement.
The mapping function must be of the form:
func (*mongofluxdplug.MongoDocument) ([]*mongofluxdplug.InfluxPoint, error)
The following example plugin maps a single MongoDB document to multiple Points in InfluxDB:
package main
import (
// Plugin to map a single MongoDB document to multiple InfluxDB points
// e.g.
// db.testplug.insert({ts: new Date(), pts: [{o: 0, d: 1.5}, {o: 2, d: 3.2}]})
// where ts is the base time, o is the second offset for each point, and d is field data for each point
func MyPointMapper(input *mongofluxdplug.MongoDocument) (output []*mongofluxdplug.InfluxPoint, err error) {
doc := input.Data
// reference base time
var t time.Time
switch doc["ts"].(type) {
case time.Time:
t = doc["ts"].(time.Time)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected ts field with type %T but got %T", t, doc["ts"])
// reference list of points with time offset and data
var pts []interface{}
switch doc["pts"].(type) {
case []interface{}:
pts = doc["pts"].([]interface{})
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected pts field with type %T but got %T", pts, doc["pts"])
// for each pt in this single document, add an InfluxPoint to the output
for _, p := range pts {
// assert type of each point p
var pt map[string]interface{}
switch ptt := p.(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
pt = ptt
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected point of type %T but got %T", pt, p)
// read offset and point data
var offset, pointData float64
switch pt["o"].(type) {
case float64:
offset = pt["o"].(float64)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected offset of type %T but got %T", offset, pt["o"])
switch pt["d"].(type) {
case float64:
pointData = pt["d"].(float64)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected point data of type %T but got %T", pointData, pt["d"])
// create a new InfluxPoint
point := &mongofluxdplug.InfluxPoint{
Tags: make(map[string]string),
Fields: make(map[string]interface{}),
// set time, fields, and tags on the Point
point.Timestamp = t.Add(time.Duration(int64(offset)) * time.Second)
point.Fields["d"] = pointData
// append the Point to the output
output = append(output, point)
return output, nil
To build a plugin you must use golang 1.11 and above and ensure you run the go build
command with
the mongofluxd go.mod
file in the current directory. This is to ensure your plugin dependencies use
the exact same source code as mongofluxd.
# clone the repo outside your $GOPATH
git clone
cd mongofluxd
# add and edit a file myplugin.go which is your plugin
go build -buildmode=plugin -o myplugin.go
The public plugin function, or symbol, can then be assigned to a measurement in the config file
plugin-path = "/path/to/"
namespace = "test.testplug"
# for this measurement use a go plugin to map a single MongoDB document to multiple InfluxDB points
# in this case the function name to use is MyPointMapper
# the time, fields, and tags will be generated by the plugin
symbol = "MyPointMapper"
precision = "ms"
When a MongoDB document is inserted into the test.testplug
namespace, the MyPointMapper
function will
be invoked to determine a slice of Points to write to InfluxDB.