Robin Wieruch

Results 184 comments of Robin Wieruch

Yes. It's broad, but I would wait for people's suggestions :) What about having a Neo4j + Express backend or a Vue.js frontend?

I added a troubleshoot section for Heroku yesterday: Can you check if one of the two tips helps you?

Do `heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false YARN_PRODUCTION=false` on the command line and try to push again to Heroku.

Just to make sure, don't forget to add the introspection flag: ``` const server = new ApolloServer({ introspection: true, typeDefs: schema, resolvers, ... }); ```

@bamne123 did this help you?

Thanks for mentioning @devserkan I will add it to the book!

Fixed but I keep this open for people who stumble on these issues.

If anyone is running into this issue, just leave a quick comment here so that I know that this is still relevant.

@tmstani23 Hm, my suggestion would have been to try it with your project at the root level. But if this didn't work, I don't know if Heroku changed something again....

Thanks for reporting this @pmosconi Need to check how to fix this! Any help on it is very much appreciated if anyone else runs into this 👍