Richard West
Richard West
It now looks like you edited every single line in the file. Did the line endings change?
This is still a problem (see )
This looks helpful, and indeed necessary for What would be some suitable unit tests? Can we go in both directions (to and from Cantera) allowing round-trip testing? Else I...
Just built a model using these commits, which resulted in a declared duplicate not being found: ``` *********************************************************************** CanteraError thrown by Kinetics::checkDuplicates: No duplicate found for declared duplicate reaction number...
The problem with things being declared as duplicates that aren't, was indeed an error in the NOx2018 library. This is addressed in but we should probably still add checks...
Note that although I think this fixes a problem that we had in identifying the duplicate reactions and labeling them as such for valid chemkin files, it does not address...
How does it behave in the latest ck2yaml? Same?
Worth keeping alive and merging??
I found [this]( an interesting read. (One of those stack overflow posts where the best answer is in fact the one with the fewest upvotes). "[How is it that json...