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Add support to Raspberry Pi

Open AaronRays468 opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

AaronRays468 avatar Apr 02 '17 09:04 AaronRays468

I'd assume this already works if you have a GL implementation (such as MESA SW, possibly something like nanogl).

As we are slowly progressing to librw this might become easier to do as we could add an unofficial GLES backend to librw in a rather clean API abstraction.

JayFoxRox avatar Apr 02 '17 09:04 JayFoxRox

That's pretty nice, though I don't like all the workarounds needed to get desktop GL working on a device which is only physically capable of GLES2. A GLES backend would still be helpful to improve performance and eliminate bugs.

Also, a raspberry pi build of this would be cool.

kargaroc avatar Jan 03 '18 16:01 kargaroc