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Fix / add feed for r-weekly
Thanks for all the great work at r-weekly!
I think I may have submitted my feed incorrectly. I noticed at least one of my posts was retweeted by rweekly_live here though you can see the formatting is all messed-up. While I still show-up on the feedlist I am wondering if I might have been removed (due to potential error in my submission) as I noticed my next post was not mentioned by r-weekly or tweeted by rweekly_live.
rss feed for my site (for rstats topics): Description: Solving problems using rstats and tidyverse tools. Twitter handle: brshallo
Please let me know if I should resubmit or do anything to get this corrected?
Thanks for the report, the feed is in the list. got the latest post link on 2021-03-31, but the post date is 2021-03-18, so it was not tweeted.
Cool, thanks for the explanation. (I am assuming the format is OK then as well and the tweet I referenced was just an abnormality in how it was picked-up.)
It sounds like I should avoid doing that if I want it to be included on anything r-weekly related...?
(I frequently will publish a post, text it to a couple friends for feedback or tweet about it myself. Then I sometimes make a few edits based on notes I receive at which point I'll add the rstats category to the post -- which is the rss feed I provide to R-weekly and R-bloggers and determines when you receive it.)
If I update the date but don't change the slug, would it be picked-up by r-weekly? Or is r-weekly looking at the date in the slug?
Yes, if the date is updated to the recent day and the URL is different from before, and then it will be a new link for
Sorry, should have been more clear. If I update the date, but don't change the slug, would new posts get picked-up or do I need to also update the slug for it to be included?
(There may be cases when I'd be hesitant to change the slug, so am just interested in which r-weekly is looking at to determine inclusion -- the slug or the date indicated under the title of the post).