Rodrigo Vieira Batista
Rodrigo Vieira Batista
The usage of FC16 instead of FC06 is in fact I'm the logic, today Fuxa will never use FC06. You know this is not exactly an error, since you can...
Create a new PR, I already know how to solve it, but was not able to test. ` } else if (memoryAddress === ModbusMemoryAddress.HoldingRegisters) { // Holding Registers (Read/Write 400001-465535)...
@haslish please, try a 0xf0f0 (61680) value also.
6000 is ok, it use both bytes. I believe that everything is ok. Thank you.
This error is modbus-serial telling you that receives less information that it was expecting. How you have setup the communication in Fuxa and in Modbus poll? Are you able to...