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[5.1] Reimporting VRM file does not update morph targets.
When reimporting the VRM file, morph targets do not work on the old skeletal mesh. To test this, add a new morph key and reimport. Morph key won't be there or will not work. Import it as a new file and they will be there and work as expected.
I believe this can be fixed by prompting a reimport window, similar to fbx when using the "show import dialog at reimport" setting. (This sometimes doesn't trigger)
Hi. Try using the 20230825 version. Previous versions had a bug that the MorphTarget name was changed when importing.
I'm using the source version (from here: https://github.com/ruyo/UnrealEngine_VRM4UPlugin) Still getting this issue as of today.
Morph keys import correctly if I create a new model, but not when replacing an existing model with new keys.
Can confirm this is still happening with 5.2 on the most recent build from source plugin. Morph targets do not update reflecting changes done since last import unless you import it as a completely new asset, even if you select "Force override", it doesn't do anything.