>I am wondering: when iipmooviewer client works “in IIIF mode”, does it actually keep requesting the same tiles as in “normal mode”, but using IIIF-styled urls? Basically yes. The viewer...
I tried pointing to the Zenodo IIIF end-point with your example image and there are indeed problems with the edge tiles: []( iipmooviewer should handle these kinds of info.json files...
FILESYSTEM_SUFFIX is a recent addition and will be included in version 1.2. For now you'll need to use the latest code from Github and compile iipsrv yourself if you need...
It looks like it may be a bug in OpenJPEG. I'll need to take a closer look ...
I'll also try adding optional support for Intel's IPP library. There's an optimized Lanczos filter, which should provide a nice speed boost:
I've managed to get Intel's IPP library working with iipsrv for the resizing algorithms and it's pretty fast! Lanczos3, for example is around 7x faster than your FreeImage version!! I've...
> No, I didn't do any performance testing with resampling libraries. It would be interesting to try out a couple of other implementations. Things like [Pixman]( or [Cimg]( could also...
There's some nice info on how vips does resampling here: []( Basically vips does a block shrink to around 2x desired size, then lanczos3, which is pretty much what iipsrv...
> Is the ippi.h. stuff in a branch yet? Not quite yet. I'm just cleaning up the code and I'll push it out shortly. I'll let you know when it's...
There shouldn't be any limit, apart from of course due to server memory. What version of iipsrv you are using? And is there any other information in the iipsrv log...