
Results 52 comments of ruv

One possible trigger for this bug is to have the hyperlinks in header or footer, — see [the solution for a similar issue in xdocreport](

Also, this add-on is affected by the same bug as [#203 in bracket-matcher]( — i.e., it changes another's closing tag in certain cases. Don't sure who is responsible in this...

Yes, done — #20

> However, I can see adding an option to the package on how the period is handled. Whether it stops the tag input or not. It would be nice. Support...

@bhstahl, it is not good idea to mix the cases of missed and invalid headers in response with status code `412`. By HTTP spec, when some required precondition header **is...

@bhstahl, the following reasoning can be also considered. If some request can be responded with `428`, it also should be responded with `412` in some cases. Otherwise (if there is...

> I think his main argument about only having major versions is when you put them in URLs, which means: > > > a whole new tree of resources Actually,...

I mean exceptions in the user space, for example — integer division by zero, memory access violation, etc. By handling I mean that `CATCH` can catch such exceptions.

Yes, Gforth does it — in the version for Linux at least. But seemingly it doesn't work in the version for Windows. Hope we will get all such Forth-systems to...

In CForth ` 123 0 ' / catch . ` and ` 0 ' @ catch . ` don't print _ior_ number. Apparently, CForth doesn't transform hardware exception into Forth's...