recogmem-release-NWB copied to clipboard
problems with loading the data with the Matlab script
I'm trying to use the Matlab code to load the data, but I get an error which seems to be related to datenum8601.m (dnum is an empty array):
Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).
Error in types.util.checkDtype (line 142) datetime(dnum(1), 'TimeZone', tz, 'ConvertFrom', 'datenum');
Error in types.core.NWBFile/validate_session_start_time (line 470) val = types.util.checkDtype('session_start_time', 'isodatetime', val);
Error in types.core.NWBFile/set.session_start_time (line 321) obj.session_start_time = obj.validate_session_start_time(val);
Error in types.core.NWBFile (line 163) obj.session_start_time = p.Results.session_start_time;
Error in NwbFile (line 15) obj = [email protected](varargin{:});
Error in io.parseGroup (line 69) parsed = NwbFile(kwargs{:});
Error in nwbRead (line 31) nwb = io.parseGroup(filename, h5info(filename), Blacklist);
Error in NWBloadDataOfBlock_release (line 29) nwb = nwbRead([basepath, filesep, NWBsession.filename]);
Error in NWBprepareData_forSession_demo (line 11) RTRecog_raw, RTRecog_vsQ] = NWBloadDataOfBlock_release( NOsession_toUse, ind, 1,basepath ); %1 mode recog
Error in NWBneural_loopOverSessions_release (line 33) [paramsForRun, basedirData_forSession,basedirEvents_forSession,brainArea] = NWBprepareData_forSession_demo( basepath, NOsessionRecog, NOind, paramsIn );
Error in NWBneural_main (line 94) [totStats,cellStatsAll] = NWBneural_loopOverSessions_release(allSessionsToUse, NWBsessions, basepathData,analysisMode, paramsInPreset );
So far I'm just trying to load the data from a single session (session 5, as indicated in NWBneural_main.m).
I've tried with a couple of different versions of matlab (R2021a and R2021b) running in Ubuntu.
Thank you for any help, best