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v6 beta feedback 🥰

Open mo8it opened this issue 10 months ago • 30 comments

After about a month of intensive work, I am happy announce the beta release of version 6 🎉

It is a full rewrite of the command line tool. Therefore, I hope to find some people willing to test it and provide some feedback here 🥰

You can try it by following the instructions in the README of the v6 branch. NOTE: You don't need to clone the Rustlings repository anymore.

Your feedback is welcome, as detailed as you want 🥰 But don't focus on the exercises. These didn't really change in v6.

Points to consider in the feedback

  • The new installation method with cargo install
  • The initialization of the rustlings/ directory
  • The language server support when editing the exercises (should work out of the box now)
  • The watch mode (when running rustlings inside the rustlings/ directory):
    • Exercise errors and warnings
    • Output of tests
    • Exercise output
    • Hint (when entering h or hint)
    • Progress bar
    • Current exercise path
  • The list mode (when entering l or list in the watch mode):
    • Navigation
    • Skipping exercises or going back to previous ones (by pressing c)
    • Resetting exercises
  • Dumping the solution file into the solutions/ directory after the exercise is done
  • CLI help messages with --help
  • Wording in general

Known issues

  • The solution files are empty. I will fill them in the next days :D
  • The exercise intro1 doesn't make a lot of sense anymore
  • Things mentioned in the comments below

mo8it avatar Apr 25 '24 19:04 mo8it

Pinging @orhun because you were willing to test it 🥰

mo8it avatar Apr 25 '24 19:04 mo8it

Thanks for your efforts put into this!

I stumbled on an error while installing:

error: failed to compile `rustlings v6.0.0-beta.3`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/var/folders/bc/g5l5nq855nd_fb3y1psnc6v00000gn/T/cargo-installsN59ZL`.
To reuse those artifacts with a future compilation, set the environment variable `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` to that path.

Caused by:
  package `clap_lex v0.7.0` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.74 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.73.0

I fixed this issue by running rustup update. Maybe it's worth mentioning the minimal required Rust version (which seems to be 1.74) in the README?

norraell avatar Apr 25 '24 21:04 norraell

@norraell I will add a note about this to the README. Thanks :D

mo8it avatar Apr 25 '24 21:04 mo8it

@norraell The README is now updated to include rustup update as a troubleshooting step if the installation fails :D

mo8it avatar Apr 26 '24 01:04 mo8it

Hello, thanks for the ping!

I got this error right off the bat:

Error: Failed to run the command `target/debug/intro1`

Caused by:
    No such file or directory (os error 2)

I'm assuming this is due to my custom cargo setup (global target directory):

target-dir = "/drv/cargo/target"

So rustlings probably shouldn't hardcode target and respect this config option and also CARGO_TARGET_DIR variable :bear:

orhun avatar Apr 26 '24 15:04 orhun

@orhun Thank you for reporting this issue 😅

Would it be fine if I create the file .cargo/config.toml with target-dir = "target" to override the global setting?

Otherwise, I would need to add the serde_json dependency and parse the JSON output of cargo metadata --no-deps --format-version 1 just to read the target_directory field. This would mean running that command and parsing its output at every startup… Because CARGO_TARGET_DIR is not a global environment variable.

mo8it avatar Apr 26 '24 15:04 mo8it

Would it be fine if I create the file .cargo/config.toml with target-dir = "target" to override the global setting?

Don't think so, I think it would be best to not mess with the user's configuration.

Otherwise, I would need to add the serde_json dependency and parse the JSON output

Or you can simply read .cargo/config.toml and check if the target directory is being overriden. Checking the value of CARGO_TARGET_DIR at runtime would be fine also. So the correct logic should be:

  • Check if target-dir is configured in .cargo/config.toml or .cargo/config
  • Check if CARGO_TARGET_DIR environment variable is set.
  • Use hardcoded target directory as last resort

What do you think?

orhun avatar Apr 26 '24 16:04 orhun

It is not that easy because Cargo looks for the config file in the current directory and all parent directories. You would also need to find out what $CARGO_HOME is. Sadly, we have platforms like Windows that we need to support 😅

I guess I will just parse that JSON then :P

mo8it avatar Apr 26 '24 16:04 mo8it

It is not that easy because Cargo looks for the config file in the current directory and all parent directories.

Ouf, unfortunately I'm not aware of a crate that might help with that :/

orhun avatar Apr 26 '24 16:04 orhun


Here is my feedback. I already know Rust, but I never looked at rustlings before. I hope this is not too detailed. 😅 I have written down everything I found while doing the exercises. I'm getting a little bit tired; hoping my ramblings make sense.

Here are my solutions for reference.

I'm using

  • Windows 10
  • cmd.exe
  • VS Code 1.88.1
  • Rust Analyzer v0.3.1932

1) rustlings watch doesn't work

From the rustlings command

Got all that? Great! To get started, run `rustlings watch` in order to get the first exercise.
Make sure to have your editor open in the `rustlings` directory!

When I run rustlings watch:

>rustlings watch
error: unrecognized subcommand 'watch'

Usage: rustlings [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

For more information, try '--help'.

2) Encoding/Display error

Question Mark. Unicode Replacement Character? encoding

3) Invisible input text


Missing output when unit tests are failing

If unit tests are failing (e.g. assert_eq!(2 + 2, 5)), there is no output of the panic message. The only thing I see:

running 14 tests
test tests::test_array_correct ... ok
test tests::test_array_out_of_range_positive ... ok
test tests::test_array_sum ... ok
test tests::test_array_out_of_range_negative ... ok
test tests::test_slice_correct ... ok
test tests::test_slice_excess_length ... ok
test tests::test_slice_insufficient_length ... ok
test tests::test_slice_out_of_range_negative ... ok
test tests::test_tuple_out_of_range_positive ... ok
test tests::test_slice_out_of_range_positive ... ok
test tests::test_slice_sum ... ok
test tests::test_tuple_out_of_range_negative ... ok
test tests::test_tuple_sum ... ok
test tests::test_tuple_correct ... FAILED



test result: FAILED. 13 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

Ok(Color { red: 183, green: 65, blue: 14 })
Ok(Color { red: 183, green: 65, blue: 14 })
Ok(Color { red: 183, green: 65, blue: 14 })
Ok(Color { red: 183, green: 65, blue: 14 })

4) Rust-Analyzer

Not all files with compile errors are highlighted by Rust Analyzer. Workarounds:

  • Save file (without changes)
  • Reload VS Code

5) Quiz

exercises\quizzes\ was the first quiz I got after completing 15_traits. I neither got nor

6) Progress bar

This is the output after I solved the exercises in order. Note: I didn't got to or

Hello and
       welcome to...
                 _   _ _
  _ __ _   _ ___| |_| (_)_ __   __ _ ___
 | '__| | | / __| __| | | '_ \ / _` / __|
 | |  | |_| \__ \ |_| | | | | | (_| \__ \
 |_|   \__,_|___/\__|_|_|_| |_|\__, |___/

This exercise compiles successfully. The remaining exercises contain a compiler
or logic error. The central concept behind Rustlings is to fix these errors and
solve the exercises. Good luck!

The file of this exercise is `exercises/00_intro/`. Have a look!
The current exercise path is shown under the progress bar in the watch mode.

Exercise done ✓
When you are done experimenting, enter `n` or `next` to go to the next exercise 🦀

A solution file can be found at solutions/00_intro/

Progress: [#######################################################################################################################################################################################>-----------------------]  85/96 exercises
Current exercise: exercises/00_intro/

7) Excercises

  • exercises\quizzes\ I got a bit confused. Why not directly change the line to grade: "A+".to_string(), in tests::generate_alphabetic_report_card?
  • exercises\16_lifetimes\ My solution was to remove the scope block {}. Not sure if this was the intended solution.
  • exercises\23_conversions\ Not sure what the expected solution is. Mine got a little bit complicated:
    // Squares a number using as_mut().
    // TODO: Add the appropriate trait bound.
    fn num_sq<T: AsRef<U> + AsMut<U> + Clone, U: for<'a> MulAssign<&'a U>>(arg: &mut T) {
        let value = arg.clone();
        *arg.as_mut() *= value.as_ref();
  • Is exercises\19_smart_pointers\ maybe a little bit too easy? The solution is to blindly use the same code pattern as above.
  • exercises\19_smart_pointers\
    • Threads are first introduced in 20_threads.
    • This explanation is not entirely correct because numbers doesn't get mutated (and because Vec<u32> implements Send/Sync):
      // Because we are using threads, our values need to be thread-safe.  Therefore,
      // we are using Arc.  We need to make a change in each of the two TODOs.
      The reason we need Arcs is because thread::spawn requires that F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static. This explanation is probably too confusing for beginners.
  • exercises\19_smart_pointers\
    • Didn't know you could use Result as a return type in tests. :)
    • Taking a reference to a Cow is a bit uncommon. The function abs_all can be simplified:
      fn abs_all<'a>(mut input: Cow<'a, [i32]>) -> Cow<'a, [i32]> {
          for i in 0..input.len() {
              let v = input[i];
              if v < 0 {
                  // Clones into a vector if not already owned.
                  input.to_mut()[i] = -v;

Nit: Wording

Especially in the first exercises, add a one-liner comment:

  • What needs to be done? (fix compiler errors, fix unit tests, etc.)
  • Which lines of code are allowed to change?

Here are some examples:

  • exercises\02_functions\ Add // don't change this line after call_me();. Make it clear to write the function (and not to remove the call).
  • Most files in exercises\01_functions and exercises\02_functions have no instructions. Maybe add // Make me compile!?
  • exercises\06_move_semantics\ Maybe make it clear when it is okay to change the unit tests and when not.
  • exercises\12_options\ Make it more clear that unwrap is the desired solution in the unit test raw_value by stating that you should not modify the assert_eq!(icecreams, 5); line.
  • exercises\13_error_handling\ Instead of // Don't change this line, say // Don't change the tests below.
  • In exercises\13_error_handling\ Unless I am missing something, the success case is correct.

    Right now, this function isn't handling the error case at all (and isn't handling the success case properly either).

Nit: Sort Order

  • exercises\19_smart_pointers: The files are not sorted in the correct order. Rename exercises\19_smart_pointers\ to exercises\19_smart_pointers\, etc., instead?
  • exercises\23_conversions: Same as for 19_smart_pointers above, the files are not in order.

Nit: Clippy/Compiler Warnings (Even After Solving the Exercise)

There are some compiler/clippy warnings that might be overwhelming at the start.

  • Clippy warning in exercises\08_enums\
    warning: used `assert_eq!` with a literal bool
      --> exercises/08_enums/
    77 |         assert_eq!(state.quit, true);
       |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       = help: for further information visit
       = note: `#[warn(clippy::bool_assert_comparison)]` on by default
    help: replace it with `assert!(..)`
    77 -         assert_eq!(state.quit, true);
    77 +         assert!(state.quit);
  • In exercises\12_options\ change the y; // Fix without deleting this line. line to let _y = y; // Fix without deleting this line. so that the compiler warning goes away.
  • Clippy warning in exercises\13_error_handling\
    warning: redundant guard
      --> exercises/13_error_handling/
    49 |             x if x == 0 => Err(CreationError::Zero),
       |                  ^^^^^^
       = help: for further information visit
       = note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_guards)]` on by default
    help: try
    49 -             x if x == 0 => Err(CreationError::Zero),
    49 +             0 => Err(CreationError::Zero),
  • Clippy warning in exercises\14_generics\
      warning: calls to `push` immediately after creation
     --> exercises/14_generics/
    5 | /     let mut shopping_list: Vec<_> = Vec::new();
    6 | |     shopping_list.push("milk");
      | |_______________________________^ help: consider using the `vec![]` macro: `let shopping_list: Vec<_> = vec![..];`
      = help: for further information visit
      = note: `#[warn(clippy::vec_init_then_push)]` on by default
  • In exercises\19_smart_pointers\ has some warning
    warning: field `0` is never read
      --> exercises/19_smart_pointers/
    16 |     Mercury(Rc<Sun>),
       |     ------- ^^^^^^^
       |     |
       |     field in this variant
       = note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
    help: consider changing the field to be of unit type to suppress this warning while preserving the field numbering, or remove the field
    16 |     Mercury(()),
       |             ~~
  • exercises\20_threads\
    • Superfluous return type () in fn send_tx(q: Queue, tx: mpsc::Sender<u32>) -> () {
    • Superfluous import use std::sync::Arc;

dotjpg3141 avatar Apr 26 '24 23:04 dotjpg3141

Hi Jan @dotjpg3141, thank you very much for your very valuable detailed feedback. I can't express how much it means to me, thank you for your time 🤗🤗🤗

I will probably need days to fix all the issues that you mentioned and give you a detailed reply.

mo8it avatar Apr 27 '24 00:04 mo8it

@orhun Respecting the target-dir option is done by You can try the new beta version beta.4 :D

mo8it avatar Apr 27 '24 02:04 mo8it

Now I'm getting this:

$ rustlings init

error: could not find `Cargo.toml` in `/tmp/tmp.N6HnsDD5Fw` or any parent directory
Error: Failed to read the field `target_directory` from the `cargo metadata` output

Caused by:
    EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 0

I think it requires to be run in a Cargo project directory where Cargo.toml is present. Is that really needed for initialization?

orhun avatar Apr 27 '24 15:04 orhun

@orhun Oh well, this one is embarrassing… I shouldn't release anything that late in the night and should definitely add more tests. Anyway, it should work in beta.5 now 😅

mo8it avatar Apr 27 '24 15:04 mo8it

No worries, all seems good now. I haven't tested the exercises but the the prompt/TUI is working smoothly for me. Great job!

I can look into this more in depth in the following days probably.

orhun avatar Apr 27 '24 15:04 orhun


1) rustlings watch doesn't work


2) Encoding/Display error

This is a problem with the used terminal (cmd.exe?). Users are supposed to use a modern terminal like the new Windows Terminal. I added a note to the README about the recommended terminal.

3) Invisible input text

This is very weird, but I hope that it doesn't happen in a modern terminal like Windows Terminal. Could you please try it out?

Missing output when unit tests are failing


4) Rust-Analyzer

Not all files with compile errors are highlighted by Rust Analyzer. Workarounds:

* Save file (without changes)

* Reload VS Code

I am afraid that we can't do anything about this. The most important thing is that Rust-Analyzer provides autocompletion, goto definition, rename and so on. Warnings and errors are shown by Rustlings anyway.

5) Quiz

exercises\quizzes\ was the first quiz I got after completing 15_traits. I neither got nor

6) Progress bar

This is the output after I solved the exercises in order. Note: I didn't got to or

Hello and
       welcome to...
                 _   _ _
  _ __ _   _ ___| |_| (_)_ __   __ _ ___
 | '__| | | / __| __| | | '_ \ / _` / __|
 | |  | |_| \__ \ |_| | | | | | (_| \__ \
 |_|   \__,_|___/\__|_|_|_| |_|\__, |___/

This exercise compiles successfully. The remaining exercises contain a compiler
or logic error. The central concept behind Rustlings is to fix these errors and
solve the exercises. Good luck!

The file of this exercise is `exercises/00_intro/`. Have a look!
The current exercise path is shown under the progress bar in the watch mode.

Exercise done ✓
When you are done experimenting, enter `n` or `next` to go to the next exercise 🦀

A solution file can be found at solutions/00_intro/

Progress: [#######################################################################################################################################################################################>-----------------------]  85/96 exercises
Current exercise: exercises/00_intro/

I tried to reproduce these two issues related to the order of exercises but I couldn't. What happens if you enter n when you see the above output? What happens when you restart Rustlings and then try to enter n?

Could you please post the content of the hidden file .rustlings-state.txt? A screenshot of all exercises in the list would be alse very helpful. You can open the list by entering l.

I will fix the things that you pointed out about the exercises and Clippy later. Thank you again for your very valuable feedback 🥰

mo8it avatar Apr 28 '24 22:04 mo8it

Love the new direction rustlings is taking! One issue I'm having: After starting rustlings, I get an "invalid argument" for running the intro1 command and rustlings exists.

vgroenewold avatar May 02 '24 19:05 vgroenewold

I used [email protected]

2) Encoding/Display error

This is a problem with the used terminal (exe.cmd?).

Yep. This seems to be an issue of cmd.

3) Invisible input text

This is very weird, but I hope that it doesn't happen in a modern terminal like Windows Terminal. Could you please try it out?

That doesn't seem to make a difference.

5) Quiz / 6) Progress bar

I tried to reproduce these two issues related to the order of exercises but I couldn't. What happens if you enter n when you see the above output? What happens when you restart Rustlings and then try to enter n?

Could you please post the content of the hidden file .rustlings-state.txt? A screenshot of all exercises in the list would be alse very helpful. You can open the list by entering l.

This is the content of `.rustlings-state.txt`.


Screenshots of the list.

Page 1: list1

Page 2: list2

Page 3 list3

Only Pending: pending

Text content of the list (without the `next` column).
State    Name              Path
PENDING  intro1            exercises/00_intro/
DONE     intro2            exercises/00_intro/
DONE     variables1        exercises/01_variables/
DONE     variables2        exercises/01_variables/
DONE     variables3        exercises/01_variables/
DONE     variables4        exercises/01_variables/
DONE     variables5        exercises/01_variables/
DONE     variables6        exercises/01_variables/
DONE     functions1        exercises/02_functions/
DONE     functions2        exercises/02_functions/
DONE     functions3        exercises/02_functions/
DONE     functions4        exercises/02_functions/
DONE     functions5        exercises/02_functions/
DONE     if1               exercises/03_if/
DONE     if2               exercises/03_if/
PENDING  if3               exercises/03_if/
PENDING  quiz1             exercises/quizzes/
DONE     primitive_types1  exercises/04_primitive_types/
PENDING  primitive_types2  exercises/04_primitive_types/
DONE     primitive_types3  exercises/04_primitive_types/
DONE     primitive_types4  exercises/04_primitive_types/
DONE     primitive_types5  exercises/04_primitive_types/
PENDING  primitive_types6  exercises/04_primitive_types/
DONE     vecs1             exercises/05_vecs/
DONE     vecs2             exercises/05_vecs/
DONE     move_semantics1   exercises/06_move_semantics/
DONE     move_semantics2   exercises/06_move_semantics/
DONE     move_semantics3   exercises/06_move_semantics/
DONE     move_semantics4   exercises/06_move_semantics/
DONE     move_semantics5   exercises/06_move_semantics/
DONE     move_semantics6   exercises/06_move_semantics/
DONE     structs1          exercises/07_structs/
DONE     structs2          exercises/07_structs/
PENDING  structs3          exercises/07_structs/
DONE     enums1            exercises/08_enums/
PENDING  enums2            exercises/08_enums/
DONE     enums3            exercises/08_enums/
PENDING  strings1          exercises/09_strings/
DONE     strings2          exercises/09_strings/
DONE     strings3          exercises/09_strings/
DONE     strings4          exercises/09_strings/
DONE     modules1          exercises/10_modules/
DONE     modules2          exercises/10_modules/
DONE     modules3          exercises/10_modules/
DONE     hashmaps1         exercises/11_hashmaps/
DONE     hashmaps2         exercises/11_hashmaps/
DONE     hashmaps3         exercises/11_hashmaps/
PENDING  quiz2             exercises/quizzes/
DONE     options1          exercises/12_options/
DONE     options2          exercises/12_options/
DONE     options3          exercises/12_options/
PENDING  errors1           exercises/13_error_handling/
DONE     errors2           exercises/13_error_handling/
DONE     errors3           exercises/13_error_handling/
DONE     errors4           exercises/13_error_handling/
DONE     errors5           exercises/13_error_handling/
PENDING  errors6           exercises/13_error_handling/
DONE     generics1         exercises/14_generics/
DONE     generics2         exercises/14_generics/
DONE     traits1           exercises/15_traits/
DONE     traits2           exercises/15_traits/
DONE     traits3           exercises/15_traits/
DONE     traits4           exercises/15_traits/
DONE     traits5           exercises/15_traits/
DONE     quiz3             exercises/quizzes/
DONE     lifetimes1        exercises/16_lifetimes/
DONE     lifetimes2        exercises/16_lifetimes/
DONE     lifetimes3        exercises/16_lifetimes/
DONE     tests1            exercises/17_tests/
DONE     tests2            exercises/17_tests/
DONE     tests3            exercises/17_tests/
DONE     tests4            exercises/17_tests/
DONE     iterators1        exercises/18_iterators/
DONE     iterators2        exercises/18_iterators/
DONE     iterators3        exercises/18_iterators/
DONE     iterators4        exercises/18_iterators/
DONE     iterators5        exercises/18_iterators/
DONE     box1              exercises/19_smart_pointers/
DONE     rc1               exercises/19_smart_pointers/
DONE     arc1              exercises/19_smart_pointers/
DONE     cow1              exercises/19_smart_pointers/
DONE     threads1          exercises/20_threads/
DONE     threads2          exercises/20_threads/
DONE     threads3          exercises/20_threads/
DONE     macros1           exercises/21_macros/
DONE     macros2           exercises/21_macros/
DONE     macros3           exercises/21_macros/
DONE     macros4           exercises/21_macros/
DONE     clippy1           exercises/22_clippy/
DONE     clippy2           exercises/22_clippy/
DONE     clippy3           exercises/22_clippy/
DONE     using_as          exercises/23_conversions/
DONE     from_into         exercises/23_conversions/
DONE     from_str          exercises/23_conversions/
DONE     try_from_into     exercises/23_conversions/
DONE     as_ref_mut        exercises/23_conversions/

This are my local files (after cargo clean and removing the .git directory).

This happened when I pressed next + Enter three times:

dotjpg3141 avatar May 05 '24 14:05 dotjpg3141

Would it be possible to keep around nix as an installation method in v6?

iamcult avatar May 12 '24 20:05 iamcult

Would it be possible to keep around nix as an installation method in v6?

No, because I don't use Nix and will not maintain it. You can package it then because v6 will be a standalone binary that you can install with cargo install rustlings.

mo8it avatar May 12 '24 20:05 mo8it

  • exercises\02_functions\ Add // don't change this line after call_me();. Make it clear to write the function (and not to remove the call).

I was taking a look at exercises/02_functions/ just now and I'm glad you said this. It wasn't clear what the reader is expected to do.

hamirmahal avatar May 12 '24 21:05 hamirmahal

It might also be helpful to have an "ideal solution" for each exercise.

hamirmahal avatar May 12 '24 21:05 hamirmahal

It might also be helpful to have an "ideal solution" for each exercise.

This is one of the main features of v6 :D

Handling solutions is already implemented. I just need to find some time to write the solutions:

mo8it avatar May 12 '24 21:05 mo8it

It might also be helpful to have an "ideal solution" for each exercise.

This is one of the main features of v6 :D

Handling solutions is already implemented. I just need to find some time to write the solutions:

Oh, nice! I think I can try contributing to that if it goes in a pull request.

hamirmahal avatar May 12 '24 21:05 hamirmahal

Also, I think it'd be neat if users had an option to automatically open the next exercise in their editor after completing the current one.

hamirmahal avatar May 12 '24 21:05 hamirmahal

Oh, nice! I think I can try contributing to that if it goes in a pull request.

I plan to write them myself first and then improvements are welcome :D

Also, I think it'd be neat if users had an option to automatically open the next exercise in their editor after completing the current one.

This should also be partially solved since v6 shows you the path of the next exercise as a link in your terminal. Clicking on the link opens the file in your editor. The idea of automatically opening the current file is discarded because it can't work in terminal editor like Helix for example.

mo8it avatar May 12 '24 21:05 mo8it

3) Invisible input text

I didn't find a way to really fix it, but now (beta.8) Rustlings expects a single character as input. This means that entering h will not show you that h was entered, but it will react to it and show you the hint. You don't have to press ENTER anymore on Windows.

5) Quiz / 6) Progress bar

Thank you for sharing all the info. This looks good to me! (not a bug, but a source of confusion) Rustlings tells you that some exercises are still pending and goes back to them to let you finish them.

The reason why some exercises like quiz1 were not shown to you in the right order is that you jumped to the next file without entering n for telling Rustlings to go to the next exercise. For example, your list shows that if3 and quiz1 are pending. quiz1 comes directly after if3, but you probably didn't enter n after finishing if3 and instead started editing the file for primitive_types1. Rustlings jumps to the file that was lastly saved.

This was fine before having the interactive list. But now that the list exists and allows you to opt into skipping an exercise, I think we should disable skipping on saving the file of a later exercise. Going back is fine though. I will implement this in the next beta version :)

Thank you again @dotjpg3141 🥰

mo8it avatar May 13 '24 02:05 mo8it

But now that the list exists and allows you to opt into skipping an exercise, I think we should disable skipping on saving the file of a later exercise. Going back is fine though.

Done in beta.9 :D

mo8it avatar May 13 '24 15:05 mo8it

Love the new direction rustlings is taking! One issue I'm having: After starting rustlings, I get an "invalid argument" for running the intro1 command and rustlings exists.

@vgroenewold I don't have enough information to reproduce this. Could you please tell me what command you tried to run and in which directory? Could you please share the exact error message? Thanks 😊

mo8it avatar May 13 '24 15:05 mo8it

The reason why some exercises like quiz1 were not shown to you in the right order is that you jumped to the next file without entering n for telling Rustlings to go to the next exercise.

That makes a lot of sense. This is probably what happened.

dotjpg3141 avatar May 13 '24 20:05 dotjpg3141