ferris-says icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ferris-says copied to clipboard

[Question] missing Clippy

Open maxdevjs opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Confused :crab: ...

  • added
clippy = []

to Cargo.toml

  • then, trying cargo run --features "clippy" (from https://github.com/rust-lang/ferris-says/pull/5), the output always... features... Ferris...

What am I missing?

maxdevjs avatar Dec 05 '22 14:12 maxdevjs

This adds the clippy feature to your crate, so running cargo run --features "clippy" enables the feature of your crate but does not enable the clippy feature of your dependencies, even if it has the same name.

To use ferris-says with the clippy feature enabled, change its Cargo.toml entry to ferris-says = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["clippy"] }. If you want to optionally enable to clippy feature of ferris-says instead, change your Cargo.toml to include the following:

clippy = ["ferris-says/clippy"]

Enabling the clippy feature of your crate now also enables to feature in ferris-says.

lcnr avatar Mar 30 '24 16:03 lcnr