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[RFC] create the ecosystem team
Create a team dedicated to growing the embedded crate ecosystem.
Team tasks
This team will
Develop guidelines for library design and application development
Review, and in some cases aid in the design of, foundational libraries.
Review projects submitted to the showcase.
This team will be in charge of the Embedded Rust "libs blitz". See #316
Member qualifications / tasks
Members of this team are expected to
Have experience with Rust API design, Rust code reviews and / or writing, auditing and reasoning about unsafe code.
Write guidelines and review reports.
Study https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/api-guidelines/ and similar material
Why also include application development?
Embedded application development is sufficiently different from command line application development that a different set of guidelines is required -- the patterns and best practices are totally different.
Unresolved questions
Bikeshed team name
Needs more members
I'd be interested to hear how you think this differs/overlaps with the Resources team.
In my mind the ecosystem team is focused on doing code reviews and writing coding guidelines whereas the resources team manages (writes, curates) resources (docs, lists) in general.
If in practice the ecosystem team ends up being a subset of the resources team that seems OK-ish to me, but what I don't to want to happen is that:
Everyone on the resources team feel like they have to do code reviews. Coordinating 8 people to review a crate would be tricky (e.g. people could end up with nothing to do, etc.). Plus the resources team already has plenty of things to look over.
The people on the ecosystem team get distracted reviewing PRs to the book, blog, etc. They can help if they have the spare cycles but they should focus on reviewing code and writing the guidelines.
This RFC has reached the required voting majority of 33%+1 (11/10) and has been approved. :tada:
We still need more members though so let's hold off merging this until then.
I would be interested in giving some help here but I would certainly need mentoring. The good part is that I tend to already have a look at a lot of PR since I am part of the triage team. The down side is that I am still learning embedded development.
I'd be interested in helping out. I've written a few driver crates and a HAL for my dissertation so I've got some experience with api design.