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[15-led-compass] LSM303AGR board version aux15::init() not working?
Hi all,
I am running the lab 15 with a DISCOVERY board bought in 2021. it has the LSM303AGR eCompass chip on it as opposed to the original board's LSM303DLHC.
As I am building the starter code and the solution code, all passes without any errors but when I try to run the examples the X, Y, Z are always set to 0.
I have the feeling that the aux15::init() function isn't properly initializing the device. Is anyone encountering the same issue with the latest board?
As it states in 14.2, you have to check out this issue regarding the LSM303AGR #274. I also just started with 15 and so far I got the very first example running.
- add
lsm303agr = "0.1"
to the dependencies in your15-led-compass/auxiliary/Cargo.toml
so that it looks like this:
authors = ["Jorge Aparicio <[email protected]>"]
edition = "2018"
name = "aux15"
version = "0.1.0"
cortex-m = "=0.5.6"
cortex-m-rt = "0.6.3"
panic-itm = "=0.4.0"
lsm303agr = "0.1"
features = ["rt"]
version = "0.6.1"
- Change the
to use the lsm303agr instead of the lsm303dlhc:
//! Initialization code
#[allow(unused_extern_crates)] // NOTE(allow) bug rust-lang/rust#53964
extern crate panic_itm; // panic handler
pub use cortex_m::{asm::bkpt, iprint, iprintln, peripheral::ITM};
pub use cortex_m_rt::entry;
pub use f3::{
delay::Delay, gpio::gpiob::PB6, gpio::gpiob::PB7, gpio::AF4, prelude, stm32f30x::i2c1,
led::{Direction, Leds},
pub use lsm303agr::{ UnscaledMeasurement };
use f3::{
hal::{i2c::I2c, prelude::*, stm32f30x},
use lsm303agr::{interface::I2cInterface, mode, Lsm303agr, MagOutputDataRate};
pub fn init() -> (Leds, Lsm303agr<I2cInterface<I2c<I2C1, (PB6<AF4>, PB7<AF4>)>>, mode::MagContinuous>, Delay, ITM) {
let cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let dp = stm32f30x::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut flash = dp.FLASH.constrain();
let mut rcc = dp.RCC.constrain();
let clocks = rcc.cfgr.freeze(&mut flash.acr);
let gpioe = dp.GPIOE.split(&mut rcc.ahb);
let leds = Leds::new(gpioe);
let mut gpiob = dp.GPIOB.split(&mut rcc.ahb);
let scl = gpiob.pb6.into_af4(&mut gpiob.moder, &mut gpiob.afrl);
let sda = gpiob.pb7.into_af4(&mut gpiob.moder, &mut gpiob.afrl);
let i2c = I2c::i2c1(dp.I2C1, (scl, sda), 400.khz(), clocks, &mut rcc.apb1);
let mut lsm = Lsm303agr::new_with_i2c(i2c);
let lsm303agr = lsm.into_mag_continuous().ok().unwrap();
let delay = Delay::new(cp.SYST, clocks);
(leds, lsm303agr, delay, cp.ITM)
- Use the lsm303agr in the
like this:
use aux15::{entry, iprint, iprintln, prelude::*, UnscaledMeasurement};
use aux15::Direction;
fn main() -> ! {
let (mut leds, mut lsm303agr, mut delay, mut itm) = aux15::init();
loop {
let status = lsm303agr.mag_status().unwrap();
if status.xyz_new_data {
let data = lsm303agr.mag_data().unwrap();
iprintln!(&mut itm.stim[0], "{:?}", data);
Hope this helps.
Hi, @eisnstein I am also working on the same Chapter of Discovery Book. I was too stuck because of this lsm303dlhc & lsm303agr but your solution really helped me. I have successfully completed the Take 1.
I have one doubt in the src/
if status.xyz_new_data { let data = lsm303agr.mag_data().unwrap(); iprintln!(&mut itm.stim[0], "{:?}", data); }
I know we are reading the data from the Magnetometer's register using let status = lsm303agr.mag_status().unwrap();
but what we are doing with the if block here? what is this status.xyz_newdata
is doing here?? Thanks.