Russell Wheatley

Results 229 comments of Russell Wheatley

In a nutshell; `query` is an `NSNull` type and isn't being picked up by this check: This is why you're getting this error: ```bash -[NSNull getDocumentsWithSource:completion:]: unrecognized selector sent...

@scatboy777, correct. On second inspection, it probably isn't an error with the firebase-ios-sdk. However, this error shouldn't appear in your Crashlytic's console now, and it should be clearer why the...

I've just tested this with and without the `GoogleService-Info.plist` file, and it works when the app is killed (i.e. the deep link is present). I'm going to update the Dynamic...

I have updated the dynamic link example app. I think you should be able to run it on a device and check. Check out this branch locally: Here is...

@tudor07 - did you try this link?

@tudor07 You're using this branch

Could you also change the default browser as well to chrome and see if that makes a difference.

If you get the link `` then it worked correctly. That is the deeplink: It is a 404 hence why we use just the path to push you to another...

@tudor07 Yes, it will open your app, and the deep link received is the one I mentioned.