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Python binding to Modest and Lexbor engines (fast HTML5 parser with CSS selectors).

.. image:: docs/logo.png :alt: selectolax logo

.. image:: :target:

A fast HTML5 parser with CSS selectors using Modest <>_ and Lexbor <>_ engines.


From PyPI using pip:

.. code-block:: bash

    pip install selectolax 

Development version from GitHub:

.. code-block:: bash

    git clone --recursive
    cd selectolax
    pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
    python install

How to compile selectolax while developing:

.. code-block:: bash

make clean
make dev

Basic examples

.. code:: python

In [1]: from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser
   ...: html = """
   ...: <h1 id="title" data-updated="20201101">Hi there</h1>
   ...: <div class="post">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. </div>
   ...: <div class="post">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</div>
   ...: """
   ...: tree = HTMLParser(html)

In [2]: tree.css_first('h1#title').text()
Out[2]: 'Hi there'

In [3]: tree.css_first('h1#title').attributes
Out[3]: {'id': 'title', 'data-updated': '20201101'}

In [4]: [node.text() for node in tree.css('.post')]
['Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. ',
 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.']

.. code:: python

In [1]: html = "<div><p id=p1><p id=p2><p id=p3><a>link</a><p id=p4><p id=p5>text<p id=p6></div>"
   ...: selector = "div > :nth-child(2n+1):not(:has(a))"

In [2]: for node in HTMLParser(html).css(selector):
   ...:     print(node.attributes, node.text(), node.tag)
   ...:     print(node.parent.tag)
   ...:     print(node.html)
{'id': 'p1'}  p
<p id="p1"></p>
{'id': 'p5'} text p
<p id="p5">text</p>
  • Detailed overview <>_

Available backends

Selectolax supports two backends: Modest and Lexbor. By default, all examples use the Modest backend. Most of the features between backends are almost identical, but there are still some differences.

Currently, the Lexbor backend is in beta and missing some of the features.

To use lexbor, just import the parser and use it in the similar way to the HTMLParser.

.. code:: python

In [1]: from selectolax.lexbor import LexborHTMLParser

In [2]: html = """
   ...: <title>Hi there</title>
   ...: <div id="updated">2021-08-15</div>
   ...: """

In [3]: parser = LexborHTMLParser(html)
In [4]: parser.root.css_first("#updated").text()
Out[4]: '2021-08-15'

Simple Benchmark

  • Extract title, links, scripts and a meta tag from main pages of top 754 domains. See examples/ for more information.

============================ =========== Package Time ============================ =========== Beautiful Soup (html.parser) 61.02 sec. lxml 9.09 sec. html5_parser 16.10 sec. selectolax (Modest) 2.94 sec. selectolax (Lexbor) 2.39 sec. ============================ ===========


  • selectolax API reference <>_
  • Detailed overview <>_
  • Modest introduction <>_
  • Modest benchmark <>_
  • Python benchmark <>_
  • Another Python benchmark <>_


  • Modest engine — LGPL2.1 <>_
  • selectolax - MIT <>_