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Hall input: do we need R18=R19=4.7K? keep C12 & C35?
Would TLE8888 in Hall mode allow us to drop R18=R19 altogether?
In order to reduce HW difference between hall and VR modes can we keep C12 & C35 while running in Hall mode?
My NB2 miata has just started without R18 and R19
I have 2 seperate MRE with 202204 pre release firmware
MRE1=R9,C12,C35,R15 NOT populated & R19,R17,R18 populated MRE2=R9,C12, C35, R17,R18,R19 populated
MRE2 works but sens trigger error at certain RPMs. At 2k-2.5k trigger error but it has continuity At 4k RPM with low throttle it stucks at 4k but with full throttle it gets over 4k but stucks 6.4k RPM
MRE1 revs up all the way to 6.4k but while deceleration it gives trg error at 4k. and mixing signals
MRE2 with all populated is pretty strange see https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/wiki/Hardware-microRusEFI-kit-instructions
I have slightly wiggle at crank trigger wheel, which i discovered recently, I believe it caused "~4k trg error"s. Monday I am going to get the wheel machined and balanced then try different combinations, will post logs & results. BTW thanks for notation.
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