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Maybe go back to original USB connector
0.1 to 0.4.6 we used Molex 105133-0031
with 0.4.7 @DonaldBecker has switched part number to Wuerth 614105150721 see https://github.com/rusefi/hw_microRusEfi/commit/9536feb43b59f3a4bad73cc25390157eb1d7ccad recently we found a compatible USB3131-30-0230-A just with longer leads (and cheaper to be totally honest, not sure if there is structural difference between Wuerth 614105150721 and GCT USB3131-30-0230-A)
we have at least one connector destroyed by end user and current option is flimsiest usb micro some people have experienced
the complaint about Wuerth is 1mm lead length i.e. harder to solder into 1.6 pcb
and at some point Wuerth was not available on Moused which has triggered us to look at Digikey which suggested GCT as "similar option" and we got hooked on 1.6mm lead length.
Maybe we should even switch to mini USB since these are sturdier for vertical mount?
Two votes against USB-C due to soldering complexity.
Dimitri on Slack points at https://lcsc.com/product-detail/USB-Connectors_Jing-Extension-of-the-Electronic-Co-Jing-Extension-of-the-Electronic-Co-TYPE-CFemale-14PIN-DIP_C168704.html C168704
https://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1730 was a failure of GCT
Would Lcsc mini usb Part C46396 fit existing footprint? @jharvey what's your take on this?
random eBay vertical mini USB - footprint is similar style to what we use but larger spacing between pins
Can we find a digikey equiv of that thru hole USBC connector? I like USBC as it's more robust and it's not "obsolete". If not then can we find a USB Mini from both Digikey and cheap alternative like ebay or LSCS.
@jharvey 732-8218-1-ND looks very very different from out current style
if it would be a 24 pin connector I would be worried about soldering
at this point going back to mini seems to be the safest option
How about UE25BE55100 ? I wonder if the pinout is similar in terms of which pin is located where
WARNING the pinout looks to be FLIPPED
@jharvey what about Frankenso vertical pinout?
I believe Frankenso vertical Mini USB has pins in the same positions
footprint does not match, we either need to make holes a bit larger or just switch
How about that universal one we once were developing? It would look like this.
Vote against vertical mount Micro-USB. Mine has failed after frequent use. There was, however, no undue ABUSE. Just plugging, unplugging a few hundred times. Each time likely bending the connector slightly. Any connector without WIDE solder tabs will fail after a time, especially if installed vertically which exacerbates bending moments.
it's GCT which has failed
USB-C option: Dimitri C says "LCSC C168704 It's actually 14 pins now that i looked at it but fairly easy to solder.
It's 7 pins X2 for each side"
0.5.2 with miniUSB looks like we use 1734753-1