PumkinsAvatarTools copied to clipboard
A toolbox for easily setting up VRChat avatars in Unity. Adds functionality to the editor and automates some of the tedious tasks.
Download the latest unity package here
Pumkin's Avatar Tools
An editor script that adds tools to help you setup avatars faster and easier. It includes a component copier that makes it a lot easier to reimport your avatars, and tools to make your thumbnails nicer.
To install these tools grab the .unitypackage
from releases then simply import it into your unity project.
Make sure to delete any older versions of Pumkin Tools from your project before importing
Also make sure that you are using the correct version of Unity and the latest version of VRChat SDK2 or SDK3
If you've got questions, check out the Wiki for a more detailed explanation of what everything does.
If you need help, want to report a bug, offer suggestions or want to test WIP builds, consider joining my Discord server!
If you like this project and would like to give something back, consider donating by buying me a ko-fi! Thanks~