flutter_video_compress icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flutter_video_compress copied to clipboard

Generate a new file by compressed video, and provide metadata. Get video thumbnail from a video path, supports JPEG/GIF. To reduce app size not using FFmpeg in IOS.

Results 59 flutter_video_compress issues
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### Description When im trying to compress tiktok downloaded video the default size 7mb after the compressing done the compressed video has size 22 mb. ### Platform IOS|Android|Both|Other


### Description While building under Flutter v2.10.*, there's a warning below, please take care, thanks in advance! ``` The plugin `flutter_video_compress` uses a deprecated version of the Android embedding. To...


As the title said. ``` final info = await _flutterVideoCompress.compressVideo( file.path, quality: VideoQuality.DefaultQuality, // default(VideoQuality.DefaultQuality) deleteOrigin: false, // default(false) ); print("🐛-----width: ${info.width} height: ${info.height}"); ```


### Description Thanks, I'm currently using it and everything is fine, but I want to go to null safety. When will it go to null safety? are there plans for...


### Platform Android ### Backtracking step (if has) 1. open application 2. Select video to compress and exit the app. 3. Reopen app the app from device launcher 4. After...


Adjust some Chinese grammar to make it smooth

Hi, this is the null safety migration of the plugging. I hope this is useful for you.

/ios/Pods/Regift/Regift/Regift.swift:251:45: Missing argument label 'preferredTimescale:' in call


This library crashes if targetsdk version is set to 29, It would be helpful if it was compatible with latest OS as well Platform Android Crash report ``` E/FFmpeg (14502):...


D/FFmpeg (21287): ffmpeg is ready! E/FFmpeg (21287): Exception while trying to run: [/data/user/0/appus.tagit/files/ffmpeg, -noautorotate, -i, /data/user/0/appus.tagit/app_flutter/Movies/TagitProof/proof1/1606907328098.mp4, -vcodec, h264, -crf, 28, -movflags, +faststart, -vf, scale=1280:-2, -preset:v, ultrafast, -b:v, 1000k, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/appus.tagit/files/flutter_video_compress/1606907328098.mp4] E/FFmpeg...
