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Hello Dr.Luo! Could you please briefly introduce the "use_maxout" in your codes?
Hello Dr.Luo! I am a beginner and I find that "use_maxout" appears in the codes of the models for many times. Could you please briefly introduce the "use_maxout" in your codes?
罗博士您好,我是初学者,能简要介绍一下use_maxout吗? 我在看您代码里models文件夹下的语言模型的代码, 发现您应该是手写的LSTM而不是用的pytorch中写好的nn.lstm 或 nn.LSTMCell, 您这样做的目的是什么? use_maxout大概有什么作用?
是self scritical sequence training. 会稳定一些
是self scritical sequence training. 会稳定一些