web-component-analyzer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
web-component-analyzer copied to clipboard

[bug] No useful output from video-player.js

Open btopro opened this issue 4 years ago • 5 comments

Including here so others can run but this is all I get as output: command: wca analyze video-player.js --outFile custom-elements.js output:


`A simple responsive video player with ridiculously powerful backing`

Input file of video-player.js:

 * Copyright 2018 The Pennsylvania State University
 * @license Apache-2.0, see License.md for full text.
import { html } from "@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js";
import { SimpleColors } from "@lrnwebcomponents/simple-colors/simple-colors.js";
import { A11yBehaviors } from "@lrnwebcomponents/a11y-behaviors/a11y-behaviors.js";
import "@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-repeat.js";
import "@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-if.js";
import { SchemaBehaviors } from "@lrnwebcomponents/schema-behaviors/schema-behaviors.js";
import { MediaBehaviorsVideo } from "@lrnwebcomponents/media-behaviors/media-behaviors.js";
import "@lrnwebcomponents/a11y-media-player/a11y-media-player.js";
 * `video-player`
 * `A simple responsive video player with ridiculously powerful backing`
 * @microcopy - language worth noting:
 * - `video source` - url / link to the video file
 * ```
  accent-color$="[[accentColor]]"                 // Optional accent color for controls, 
                                                  // using the following materialize colors: 
                                                  // red, pink, purple, deep-purple, indigo, blue, 
                                                  // light blue, cyan, teal, green, light green, lime, 
                                                  // yellow, amber, orange, deep-orange, and brown. 
                                                  // Default is null. 
  dark$="[[dark]]"                                // Is the color scheme dark? Default is light. 
  dark-transcript$="[[darkTranscript]]"           // Use dark theme on transcript? Default is false, even when player is dark.   
  disable-interactive$="[[disableInteractive]]"   // Disable interactive cues?
  height$="[[height]]"                            // The height of player
  hide-timestamps$="[[hideTimestamps]]"           // Hide cue timestamps?
  lang$="[[lang]]"                                // The language of the media
  media-title$="[[mediaTitle]]"                   // The title of the media
  source$="[[source]]"                            // The source URL of the media
  sticky-corner$="[[stickyCorner]]"               // When user scrolls a playing video off-screen, 
                                                      which corner will it stick to? Values are: 
                                                      top-right (default), top-left, bottom-left, bottom-right, 
                                                      and none (to turn sticky off)
  thumbnail-src$="[[thumbnailSrc]]"               // Optional thumbanil/cover image url
  width$="[[width]]">                              // The width of the media             
  <div slot="caption">Optional caption info.</div>
 * @customElement
 * @polymer
 * @demo demo/index.html
class VideoPlayer extends MediaBehaviorsVideo(
) {
  // render function
  static get template() {
    return html`
        :host {
          display: block;
          margin: 0 0 15px;
        .video-caption {
          font-style: italic;
          margin: 0;
          padding: 8px;
          @apply --video-player-caption-theme;
      <style include="simple-colors-shared-styles"></style>
      <div style$="[[playerStyle]]">
        <template is="dom-if" if="[[isA11yMedia]]" restamp>
              <source src$="[[sd.src]]" type$="[[sd.type]]" />
            <slot name="caption"></slot>
        <template is="dom-if" if="[[!isA11yMedia]]">
          <template is="dom-if" if="[[sandboxed]]">
            <div class="responsive-video-container" lang$="[[lang]]">
          <template is="dom-if" if="[[!sandboxed]]">
            <template is="dom-if" if="[[iframed]]">
              <div class="responsive-video-container" lang$="[[lang]]">
          <div id="videocaption" class$="video-caption">
              <span class="media-type print-only">(embedded media)</span>
            <slot name="caption"></slot>

  // haxProperty definition
  static get haxProperties() {
    return {
      canScale: true,
      canPosition: true,
      canEditSource: false,
      gizmo: {
        title: "Video player",
          "This can present video in a highly accessible manner regardless of source.",
        icon: "av:play-circle-filled",
        color: "red",
        groups: ["Video", "Media"],
        handles: [
            type: "video",
            source: "source",
            title: "caption",
            caption: "caption",
            description: "caption",
            color: "primaryColor"
        meta: {
          author: "LRNWebComponents"
      settings: {
        quick: [
            property: "accentColor",
            title: "Accent color",
            description: "Select the accent color for the player.",
            inputMethod: "colorpicker",
            icon: "editor:format-color-fill"
            attribute: "dark",
            title: "Dark theme",
            description: "Enable dark theme for the player.",
            inputMethod: "boolean",
            icon: "invert-colors"
        configure: [
            property: "source",
            title: "Source",
            description: "The URL for this video.",
            inputMethod: "haxupload",
            icon: "link",
            required: true,
            validationType: "url"
            property: "track",
            title: "Closed captions",
            description: "The URL for the captions file.",
            inputMethod: "textfield",
            icon: "link",
            required: true,
            validationType: "url"
            property: "thumbnailSrc",
            title: "Thumbnail image",
            description: "Optional. The URL for a thumbnail/poster image.",
            inputMethod: "textfield",
            icon: "link",
            required: true,
            validationType: "url"
            property: "mediaTitle",
            title: "Title",
            description: "Simple title for under video",
            inputMethod: "textfield",
            icon: "av:video-label",
            required: false,
            validationType: "text"
            property: "accentColor",
            title: "Accent color",
            description: "Select the accent color for the player.",
            inputMethod: "colorpicker",
            icon: "editor:format-color-fill"
            attribute: "dark",
            title: "Dark theme",
            description: "Enable dark theme for the player.",
            inputMethod: "boolean",
            icon: "invert-colors"
        advanced: [
            property: "darkTranscript",
            title: "Dark theme for transcript",
            description: "Enable dark theme for the transcript.",
            inputMethod: "boolean"
            property: "hideTimestamps",
            title: "Hide timestamps",
            description: "Hide the time stamps on the transcript.",
            inputMethod: "boolean"
            property: "preload",
            title: "Preload source(s).",
              "How the sources should be preloaded, i.e. auto, metadata (default), or none.",
            inputMethod: "select",
            options: {
              preload: "Preload all media",
              metadata: "Preload media metadata only",
              none: "Don't preload anything"
            property: "stickyCorner",
            title: "Sticky Corner",
              "Set the corner where a video plays when scrolled out of range, or choose none to disable sticky video.",
            inputMethod: "select",
            options: {
              none: "none",
              "top-left": "top-left",
              "top-right": "top-right",
              "bottom-left": "bottom-left",
              "bottom-right": "bottom-right"
            property: "sources",
            title: "Other sources",
            description: "List of other sources",
            inputMethod: "array",
            properties: [
                property: "src",
                title: "Source",
                description: "The URL for this video.",
                inputMethod: "textfield"
                property: "type",
                title: "Type",
                description: "Media type data",
                inputMethod: "select",
                options: {
                  "audio/aac": "acc audio",
                  "audio/flac": "flac audio",
                  "audio/mp3": "mp3 audio",
                  "video/mp4": "mp4 video",
                  "video/mov": "mov video",
                  "audio/ogg": "ogg audio",
                  "video/ogg": "ogg video",
                  "audio/wav": "wav audio",
                  "audio/webm": "webm audio",
                  "video/webm": "webm video"
            property: "tracks",
            title: "Track list",
            description: "Tracks of different languages of closed captions",
            inputMethod: "array",
            properties: [
                property: "kind",
                title: "Kind",
                description: "Kind of track",
                inputMethod: "select",
                options: {
                    "subtitles" /*,
              Future Features
              'description': 'description',
              'thumbnails': 'thumbnails',
              'interactive': 'interactive',
              'annotation': 'annotation'*/
                property: "label",
                title: "Label",
                  'The human-readable name for this track, eg. "English Subtitles"',
                inputMethod: "textfield"
                property: "src",
                title: "Source",
                description: "Source of the track",
                inputMethod: "textfield"
                property: "srclang",
                  'Two letter, language code, eg. \'en\' for English, "de" for German, "es" for Spanish, etc.',
                description: "Label",
                inputMethod: "textfield"
  // properties available to the custom element for data binding
  static get properties() {
    let props = {
       * Is the media an audio file only?
      audioOnly: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false
       * Optional accent color for controls,
       * using the following materialize "colors":
       * red, pink, purple, deep-purple, indigo, blue,
       * light blue, cyan, teal, green, light green, lime,
       * yellow, amber, orange, deep-orange, and brown.
       * Default is null.
      accentColor: {
        type: String,
        value: null,
        reflectToAttribute: true
       * Cross origin flag for transcripts to load
      crossorigin: {
        type: String,
        value: null,
        reflectToAttribute: true
       * Enables darker player.
      dark: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false,
        reflectToAttribute: true
       * Use dark theme on transcript? Default is false, even when player is dark.
      darkTranscript: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false
       * disable interactive mode that makes the transcript clickable
      disableInteractive: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false
       * The height of the media player for non-a11y-media.
      height: {
        type: String,
        value: null
       * show cue's start and end time
      hideTimestamps: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false
       * hide the transcript by default
      hideTranscript: {
        type: Boolean,
        value: false
       * Computed if this should be in an iframe or not.
      iframed: {
        type: Boolean,
        computed: "_computeIframed(sourceData, sandboxed)"
       * Computed if this should be in a11y-media-player.
      isA11yMedia: {
        type: Boolean,
        computed: "_computeA11yMedia(sourceType, sandboxed)"
       * The type of source, i.e. "local", "vimeo", "youtube", etc.
      isYoutube: {
        type: Boolean,
        computed: "_computeYoutube(sourceType)"
       * The language of the media
      lang: {
        type: String,
        value: "en"
       * Simple caption for the video
      mediaTitle: {
        type: String
       * What to preload for a11y-media-player: auto, metadata (default), or none.
      preload: {
        type: String,
        value: "metadata"
      /* *
     * Responsive video, calculated from not-responsive.
     * /
    "responsive": {
      "type": Boolean,
      "reflectToAttribute": true,
      "value": true,
       * Compute if this is a sandboxed system or not
      sandboxed: {
        type: Boolean,
        computed: "_computeSandboxed(sourceData)"
       * Source of the video
      source: {
        type: String,
        value: null,
        reflectToAttribute: true
       * Source of the video
      sources: {
        type: Array,
        value: []
       * List of source objects
      sourceData: {
        type: Array,
        computed: "_getSourceData(source,sources,trackData)"
       * The type of source, i.e. "local", "vimeo", "youtube", etc.
      sourceType: {
        type: String,
        computed: "_computeSourceType(sourceData)"
       * When playing but scrolled off screen, to which corner does it "stick":
       * top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, or none?
       * Default is "top-right". "None" disables stickiness.
      stickyCorner: {
        type: String,
        value: "top-right",
        reflectToAttribute: true
       * The url for a single subtitle track
      track: {
        type: String,
        value: null
       * Array of text tracks
       * [{
       *  "src": "path/to/track.vtt",
       *  "label": "English",
       *  "srclang": "en",
       *  "kind": "subtitles",
       * }]
      tracks: {
        type: Array,
        value: []
       * Cleaned array of text tracks
       * [{
       *  "src": "path/to/track.vtt",
       *  "label": "English",
       *  "srclang": "en",
       *  "kind": "subtitles",
       * }]
      trackData: {
        type: Array,
        computed: "_getTrackData(track,tracks)"
       * Source of optional thumbnail image
      thumbnailSrc: {
        type: String,
        value: null,
        reflectToAttribute: true
      /* *
     * Calculate vimeo color based on accent color.
     * /
    "vimeoColor": {
      "type": String,
      "computed": getVimeoColor(dark,accentColor),
       * The width of the media player for non-a11y-media.
      width: {
        type: String,
        value: null
       * The type of source, i.e. "local", "vimeo", "youtube", etc.
      youtubeId: {
        type: String,
        computed: "_computeYoutubeId(source,sourceType)"
    if (super.properties) {
      props = Object.assign(props, super.properties);
    return props;
   * Store the tag name to make it easier to obtain directly.
   * @notice function name must be here for tooling to operate correctly
  static get tag() {
    return "video-player";
   * life cycle, element is afixed to the DOM
  connectedCallback() {

   * Get Youtube ID
  _computeYoutubeId(source, sourceType) {
    if (source !== undefined && sourceType === "youtube") {
      return this._computeSRC(source).replace(
    return false;

   * Determine if it is youtube
  _computeYoutube(sourceType) {
    return sourceType === "youtube";

   * Determine if it is compatible with a11y-media-player
  _computeA11yMedia(sourceType, sandboxed) {
    if (!sandboxed && (sourceType == "youtube" || sourceType == "local")) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Compute iframed status
  _computeIframed(sourceData, sandboxed) {
    // make sure we take into account sandboxing as well
    // so that we can manage the state effectively
    if (
      sourceData.length > 0 &&
      sourceData[0] !== undefined &&
      window.MediaBehaviors.Video._sourceIsIframe(sourceData[0].src) &&
    ) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Gets cleaned track list
  _getTrackData(track, tracks) {
    let temp =
      typeof tracks === "string" ? JSON.parse(tracks).slice() : tracks.slice();
    if (track !== undefined && track !== null && track !== "")
        src: track,
        srclang: this.lang,
        label: this.lang === "en" ? "English" : this.lang,
        kind: "subtitles"
    return temp;

   * Gets source and added to sources list
  _getSourceData(source, sources, trackData) {
    if (typeof sources === "string") sources = JSON.parse(sources);
    let root = this,
      temp = sources.slice();
    for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
      temp[i].type =
        temp[i].type !== undefined && temp[i].type !== null
          ? temp[i].type
          : this._computeMediaType(temp[i].src);
      temp[i].src = this._computeSRC(temp[i].src);
    if (source !== null) {
      let src = this._computeSRC(source);
      this.sourceType = this._computeSourceType(src);
      if (this.sourceType !== "youtube") {
        temp.unshift({ src: src, type: this._computeMediaType(src) });
    this.__standAlone =
      trackData === undefined || trackData === null || trackData.length < 1;
    return temp;

   * Compute media type based on source, i.e. 'audio/wav' for '.wav'
  _computeMediaType(source) {
    let root = this,
      audio = ["aac", "flac", "mp3", "oga", "wav"],
      video = ["mov", "mp4", "ogv", "webm"],
      type = "",
      findType = function(text, data) {
        for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
          if (
            type === "" &&
            source !== undefined &&
            source !== null &&
            source.toLowerCase().indexOf("." + data[i]) > -1
          ) {
            if (text === "audio") root.audioOnly = true;
            type = text + "/" + data[i];
    findType("audio", audio);
    findType("video", video);
    return type;

   * Compute sandboxed status
  _computeSandboxed(sourceData) {
    // we have something that would require an iframe
    // see if we have a local system that would want to sandbox instead
    if (
      sourceData.length > 0 &&
      sourceData[0] !== undefined &&
    ) {
      // fake the creation of a webview element to see if it's valid
      // or not.
      let test = document.createElement("webview");
      // if this function exists it means that our deploy target
      // is in a sandboxed environment and is not able to run iframe
      // content with any real stability. This is beyond edge case but
      // as this is an incredibly useful tag we want to make sure it
      // can mutate to work in chromium and android environments
      // which support such sandboxing
      if (typeof test.reload === "function") {
        return true;
    return false;

   * Compute video type based on source
  _computeSourceType(sourceData) {
    let root = this;
    if (
      sourceData.length > 0 &&
      sourceData[0] !== undefined &&
      typeof sourceData[0].src !== typeof undefined
    ) {
      return window.MediaBehaviors.Video.getVideoType(sourceData[0].src);
    } else {
      return null;

   * Compute src from type / source combo.
   * Type is set by source so this ensures a waterfall
   * of valid values.
  _computeSRC(source) {
    if (source !== null && typeof source !== undefined) {
      let type =
        this.sourceType !== undefined
          ? this.sourceType
          : window.MediaBehaviors.Video.getVideoType(source);
      // ensure that this is a valid url / cleaned up a bit
      source = window.MediaBehaviors.Video.cleanVideoSource(source, type);
      if (type == "vimeo") {
        if (this.vimeoTitle) {
          source += "?title=1";
        } else {
          source += "?title=0";
        if (this.vimeoByline) {
          source += "&byline=1";
        } else {
          source += "&byline=0";
        if (this.vimeoPortrait) {
          source += "&portrait=1";
        } else {
          source += "&portrait=0";
        if (typeof this.videoColor !== typeof undefined) {
          source += "&color=" + this.videoColor;
      } else if (type == "dailymotion") {
        source += "&ui-start-screen-info=false";
        source += "&ui-logo=false";
        source += "&sharing-enable=false";
        source += "&endscreen-enable=false";
        if (typeof this.videoColor !== typeof undefined) {
          source += "&ui-highlight=" + this.videoColor;
    return source;
   * postProcesshaxNodeToContent - clean up so we don't have empty array data
  postProcesshaxNodeToContent(content) {
    content = content.replace(' sources="[]",', "");
    content = content.replace(' tracks="[]",', "");
    return content;
window.customElements.define(VideoPlayer.tag, VideoPlayer);
export { VideoPlayer };

btopro avatar Oct 24 '19 19:10 btopro

is this because we use a custom base class and or class mixins?

btopro avatar Oct 24 '19 19:10 btopro

web-component-analyzer supports class mixins, so your code should work.

I have two suspicions:

  1. The source files with mixin function declarations are not available for the analyzer.
  2. A mixin function uses a syntax that I do not yet support.

Two questions:

  1. What's the output if you run the CLI with --debug?
  2. How does one of the mixin functions look like?

runem avatar Nov 02 '19 14:11 runem

wca analyze video-player.js --outFile custom-elements.js --debug

{ _: [ 'analyze', 'video-player.js' ],
  outFile: 'custom-elements.js',
  debug: true }
[ '/Users/bto108/Documents/git/elmsln/company/factories/lrnwebcomponents/elements/video-player/video-player.js' ]
Analyzing 1 file...
[ { fileName:
     [ { fileName:
         tagName: '',
          '`video-player`\n`A simple responsive video player with ridiculously powerful backing`',
         deprecated: undefined,
         members: [],
         slots: [],
         events: [],
         cssProperties: [] } ],
    events: [] } ]
Writing result to "custom-elements.js"

from SchemaBehaviors.js:

 * Copyright 2018 The Pennsylvania State University
 * @license Apache-2.0, see License.md for full text.

export const SchemaBehaviors = function(SuperClass) {
  return class extends SuperClass {
    static get properties() {
      let props = {
         * Unique Resource ID, generated when schemaMap processes.
        schemaResourceID: {
          type: String,
          value: ""
         * Schema Map for the element, used to generate a valid prefix on the fly
        schemaMap: {
          type: Object,
          readOnly: true,
          value: {
            prefix: {
              oer: "http://oerschema.org/",
              schema: "http://schema.org/",
              dc: "http://purl.org/dc/terms/",
              foaf: "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/",
              cc: "http://creativecommons.org/ns#",
              bib: "http://bib.schema.org"
          observer: "_schemaMapChanged"
      if (super.properties) {
        props = Object.assign(props, super.properties);
      return props;
     * Generate a uinque ID
    generateResourceID() {
      function idPart() {
        return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
      return (
        "#" +
        idPart() +
        idPart() +
        "-" +
        idPart() +
        "-" +
        idPart() +
        "-" +
     * Notice the schema map has changed, reprocess attributes.
    _schemaMapChanged(newValue, oldValue) {
      if (typeof newValue !== typeof undefined) {
        // use this to tie into schemaResourceID build
        this.schemaResourceID = this.getAttribute("resource");
        // if it still doesn't have one then we have to check
        if (this.schemaResourceID == "" || this.schemaResourceID == null) {
          this.schemaResourceID = this.generateResourceID();
          this.setAttribute("resource", this.schemaResourceID);
        let prefixes = newValue.prefix;
        let prefix = "";
        // build prefix string
        for (var property in prefixes) {
          if (prefixes.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
            prefix += property + ":" + prefixes[property] + " ";
        // set prefix on the main element itself
        if (prefix != "") {
          this.setAttribute("prefix", prefix);

btopro avatar Nov 03 '19 14:11 btopro


I tried to copy in your code, and WCA seems to finds the mixins. What happens if you add the following code to the files?

  1. Add this to video-player.js
constructor () {
    this.foo = "bar";
  1. and add this to SchemaBehaviors.js
static get observedAttributes () {
    return ["bar"];

In my test it found both the property "foo" and the attribute "bar", but the files were in the same project. Therefore, I want to test if WCA is finding your source files. The source file comes from the dependency @lrnwebcomponents/schema-behaviors/schema-behaviors.js, and I think the underlying (Typescript) parser is not finding them because it expects declaration files for libraries.

runem avatar Nov 03 '19 14:11 runem

In addition, right now, the tool doesn't support assigning properties to a variable and then returning them (see static get properties() in SchemaBehavior.js), so I think that bug should be opened as a separate issue :-)

runem avatar Nov 03 '19 14:11 runem