llama_index copied to clipboard
How to solve limit rate during `load_data` ?
How to resolve following error?
openai.error.RateLimitError: Rate limit reached for default-global-with-image-limits in organization org-xxx
on requests per min. Limit: 60.000000 / min. Current: 120.000000 / min. Contact [email protected] if you continue to have issues. Please add a payment method to your account to increase your rate limit. Visit https://beta.openai.com/account/billing to add a payment method.
I use following code for indexer
from gpt_index import GPTSimpleVectorIndex
from gpt_index.readers.database import DatabaseReader
documents = DatabaseReader(
query="SELECT concat( arrayStringConcat( "
" arrayMap("
" x -> dictGet('default.clickhouse_telegram_dict_hierarchical','text', x), "
" dictGetHierarchy('default.clickhouse_telegram_dict_hierarchical', id)"
" ), '\n'"
"), '\n', text) AS t "
"FROM default.clickhouse_telegram_data WHERE type='message' AND reply_to_message_id!=0"
index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex(documents)
@Slach is this error still occurring? we have some exponential backoff mechanisms but the simplest here may just be to retry since ratelimiterrors are sporadic
yes, still constantly occurring how to turn on and control this expotential backoff with rate limit?
Currently I use gpt-index 0.2.17
How to turn on some debug logs for load_data?
Same here. Run the same example notebook on Google Colab (see here) and it pops up RateLimitError: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.
in 0.3.4 error happens just little bit later
openai.error.RateLimitError: Rate limit reached for default-global-with-image-limits
in organization org-p8rdKQOhFbDRNO96potZ218G on requests per min.
Limit: 60.000000 / min. Current: 90.000000 / min.
Contact [email protected] if you continue to have issues.
Please add a payment method to your account to increase your rate limit. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/billing
to add a payment method.
@jerryjliu how to resolve this issue?
full stack trace, how to setup properly limit rates for GPTSimpleVectorIndex ?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/d/src/github.com/Slach/clickhouse-gpt/indexer.py", line 15, in <module>
index = GPTSimpleVectorIndex(documents)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/indices/vector_store/simple.py", line 48, in __init__
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/indices/vector_store/base.py", line 43, in __init__
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/indices/base.py", line 97, in __init__
self._index_struct = self.build_index_from_documents(
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/token_counter/token_counter.py", line 54, in wrapped_llm_predict
f_return_val = f(_self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/indices/base.py", line 215, in build_index_from_documents
return self._build_index_from_documents(documents, verbose=verbose)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/indices/vector_store/base.py", line 74, in _build_index_from_documents
self._add_document_to_index(index_struct, d, text_splitter)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/indices/vector_store/simple.py", line 70, in _add_document_to_index
text_embedding = self._embed_model.get_text_embedding(n.get_text())
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/embeddings/base.py", line 49, in get_text_embedding
text_embedding = self._get_text_embedding(text)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/gpt_index/embeddings/openai.py", line 148, in _get_text_embedding
return get_embedding(text, engine=engine)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 326, in wrapped_f
return self(f, *args, **kw)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 406, in __call__
do = self.iter(retry_state=retry_state)
File "/home/slach/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 363, in iter
raise retry_exc from fut.exception()
tenacity.RetryError: RetryError[<Future at 0x7fc118604460 state=finished raised RateLimitError>]
looks like
@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=20), stop=stop_after_attempt(6))
def get_embedding(
in gpt_index/embeddings/openai.py
doesn't work as expected ;(
I think the minimum wait time should be at least 60 seconds to account for the free tier OpenAI users?
no, i think stop_affr_attempts(100)
will enough
retry policy means retry when request to openai failed
Hi @jerryjliu I've opened a pull request to solve this rate limit error. I've increased the wait time range as well as max retries and it worked for me.
(@Slach feel free to comment on the PR as well)
I am still facing the same error with the latest version. I have a paid plan
We're also facing this issue @jerryjliu by simply cloning the main repo
Also facing this error with a vanilla setup
from llama_index import VectorStore, SimpleWebPageReader
documents = SimpleWebPageReader(html_to_text=True).load_data([
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(documents)
index.storage_context.persist("some file path")
I'll note that a friend of mine who is using this same exact code did not run into these issues. Neither of us are using OpenAI API keys.